Idea for Agents


100+ Post Club
I thought I would try something a little different from the old routine. I got a list of my clients and went knocking on their door showing them cancer plans. So far I closed about 75 % of everyone I've showed it to.

I'm sure that a new agent on a limited budget that not afraid to work could get a good start in business going around knocking on doors selling cancer plans. Make sure you have a good plan with good commision and advance.
I thought I would try something a little different from the old routine. I got a list of my clients and went knocking on their door showing them cancer plans. So far I closed about 75 % of everyone I've showed it to.

I'm sure that a new agent on a limited budget that not afraid to work could get a good start in business going around knocking on doors selling cancer plans. Make sure you have a good plan with good commision and advance.

Yes but what about if you contacted those 75 people and did a can determine if they need a cancer plan...what about if they should have critical illness instead? How about more life insurance retirement savings etc....I'm sure you can close a high percentage of low cost cancer plans but they might have bought more
]Yes but what about if you contacted those 75 people and did a can determine if they need a cancer plan...what about if they should have critical illness instead? How about more life insurance retirement savings etc....I'm sure you can close a high percentage of low cost cancer plans but they might have bought more.

Good point.
Regardless it seems like a good 'foot in the door' technique. It uses a hot button, yes, which may not be beneficial for long term client relationships but for a new rep anything helps. After all, all we "sell" on the phone is the appointment so it makes sense for a door knocking pitch to start small as well.
I thought I would try something a little different from the old routine. I got a list of my clients and went knocking on their door showing them cancer plans. So far I closed about 75 % of everyone I've showed it to.

I'm sure that a new agent on a limited budget that not afraid to work could get a good start in business going around knocking on doors selling cancer plans. Make sure you have a good plan with good commision and advance.

Insuranceman, many of us started in the business, I won't say how many decades ago now peddling policies like you tried. But, most of us learned we weren't helping the client, just padding our pockets.

Since these were your current clients and you've already sold them other products why are you selling them a cancer plan?

It's kind of like the physicians creed "Primum non nocere" first do no harm. And the only way to tell if a client really needs a cancer plan is to do an FNA on them. If you don;t have/use one try here:

"free download" "personal financial plan" - Google Search

Sorry, insuranceman, these members and I rarely agree, but on this one I've got to side with them. You should know as much about your clients financial position as they will let you know or as much as your doctor knows about you.

Having the information to determine whether a client needs any, some or all of your products, determining what products they need and developing a plan for them and budgeting for it is what a professional does.

Don't get me wrong, a cancer plan is a great plan for the right person, i.e. someone with a history of cancer in their family, smokers, anyone working in "has mat" environments, etc.

I personally think cancer plans are good plans for the money. I don't push anything on my clients I just show them their options and let decide for themselves.