If You Sell MA Plans, You Are Screwed.

I sold a few more than two and I also got paid. Until I have time to sit down and audit the payments, it appears correct.

As far as suing someone, it isn't as easy as the news media makes it appear. I assume that somewhere buried in all of the contracts is a clause that says it is subject to change. ;) , or rather changes.
UHC PHD has a message about looking on their website for your MA first-year commissions....I'll guess trying to defer folks from bitching at the reps. over their lack-of commissions.
Looks like MA's are going to be our loss leaders in more ways than one...LOL

also seems like UHC is the biggest offender in this arena to its' agents.
United Health Care did e-mail me a True_up Form. I am supposed to fill out the form and e-mail it to [email protected]. They will probably send it to TRASH. I have been appealing a commission issue since 2/14/09. It was finally settled this week.

As soon as they receive your excel spread sheet, this is their reply,

Thank you for contacting us regarding the initial-year commissions. Though we are working solely on data received from CMS, we will double -check the files to make sure your initial-year payment was not missed.

Because CMS has not communicated an appeal or escalation process, we will retain your True Up inquiry form for our records. When and if one is communicated, United Healthcare will share the processes with agents appropriately. We will track the inquiries in question and document your concern. However at this time there is no appeal or escalation process.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Producer Help Desk at 1-888-XXX-XXXX.
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READ MY ALERT IN ANOTHER THREAD re the 1st year commissions!!

I am being told this is NOT an accounting mistake, they are now saying if the client had PART D, you will NOT get paid fisrt year commissions!

Another thing to consider here is that , not only are we cheated out of the commission we earned in AEP , but had we known this information before today I am sure I wouldn't have chased down as many enrollments in OEP and beyond for 200.00

So by hiding the true intent they were able to string us along until now. They get a triple whammy -Keep our commissions, interest free loan and not having to disclose info that would have reduced agent incentive.This reeks of dishonesty
Another thing to consider here is that , not only are we cheated out of the commission we earned in AEP , but had we known this information before today I am sure I wouldn't have chased down as many enrollments in OEP and beyond for 200.00

So by hiding the true intent they were able to string us along until now. They get a triple whammy -Keep our commissions, interest free loan and not having to disclose info that would have reduced agent incentive.This reeks of dishonesty

dishonesty....come now we are talking about Insurance Companies and Goverment Employees.....Anything coming from either entity is designed to screw you...so why are we surprised. What I find ridiculous is that whether the client is a first time in an MA or renewal the carrier recieves the same amount from CMS....CMS acts as if the agents are crooks and make you guys jump through all these hoops while changing the game as you are working it...I unfortunatly could believe CMS couldn't give commmission numbers prior to Nov 15th so people where working without know what they would get paid....To bad as taxpayers we can't tell the goverment that they have screwed everything up so instead o their 50K, 80K, 150K or whatever salaey we deem they only deserve 13K and we expect you to do the work now and will pay you in 6 months.....Boy can't you just wait for goverment to take over more of our lives.