Illinois (Chicago Area) Network Question


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I have 2 clients who live in 60007 and are wanting to see doctors in the Northwestern Hospital System and the Rush Hospital System.

Does anyone know off hand which on-exchange plans include these hospitals (if any)?

The RUSH Medical Provider System only accepts only Individual Health Plans from brand new UHC subsidiary, Harken Health Insurance Company, starting 1.1.2016. Here's a link to the Harken Health page...


Northwestern Memorial will accept several plans, including UHC subsidiary, Harken Health. Here is a link to the "Accepted Plans" page at Northwestern Medicine:

Link: Exchange Plans 2016 - Managed Care - Northwestern Medicine

It's a mess trying to bring those two systems together under one individual health plan. Group is no problem, but Individual Plans are being avoided by more and more hospital systems. Good luck!
Allan is it just the Harkin or will they also except the reg UHC to?

Sam and KStein, it looks to me like the Rush Health medical system has REMOVED Harken Health from their "accepted insurance plans" all-together, and limited acceptance of United Healthcare plans to only the NON-metal policies.

Go to and search on "insurance plans". I can't hyperlink to that page for some reason. Maybe incompetent programmers there.

Is this your interpretation of their updated listing too? Apparently, it's changing very frequently.
