Where both right .
Question 2A : The last yr Been diagnosed ,received or been advised to receive treatment for Cardiomyopathy
It's modified
section C
Same question as above but 2 yrs
It's standard
Most agents will assume if you've had cardiomyopathy between 1-2 yrs it's standard
And they'll get it issued . But the claim will be denied in first 2 yrs as they've probably had treatment in the past yr also .
Sorry but that insuranceman guy is correct. You have been misinformed.
Cardiomyopathy is a permanent condition. There is no scenario where an applicant who has Cardiomyopathy can answer no to questions C-1-A or B-2-A.
The format of the question is standard NAIC language carriers use (have you been diagnosed with, received or been advised to receive treatment for...).
Whether or not the client has had treatment or been advised to have treatment for Cardiomyopathy is immaterial. The only compelling factor is simply do they have it or not.
As stated, Cardiomyopathy is a permanent incurable condition and thus that question could never be answered no if they've ever been diagnosed with it.
Now I have no doubt that agents will clean sheet Cardiomyopathy clients using some incorrect logic. But that happens with all carriers.
The few agents who do clean sheet Aetna for this condition won't really affect the product's viability since Cardiomyopathy is so rare.
I've sold more FE in the last 5 years than 99.99999% of agents have in their entire life. I've run into Cardiomyopathy 2 times.