Good Post, but I particularly like the line above. Good advice, to smile, even if your prospective client is not. It's hard to hate someone that smiling at you.
I don't do much f2f anymore, but just curious, how do you handle rude clients. I mean they've ticked you off to the point that you want to start breaking things.
Do you just get up and leave abruptly?
I can put up with most rude clients. We all have our bad days. But there is a line, that even I will walk away.
I've had a lot of clients that started off being rude, but I didn't give up and I stayed in the fight.
But if it comes to the point where I want to leave, then I just get up and leave.
You could also ask, how do you handle stupid clients that want to fight you on everything that you say. You just try your best to help them and try and hang in there.