In Defense of Kwamster

Being new I think that people come in feeling naive because they are used to being around people face-to-face or NO ONE at all regarding insurance.

If you are your own agent and don't talk with any others but your small group, you aren't really getting feedback.

One thing I mention to some of my agents is that I'm here to help but not baby. I would rather hurt your feelings and help you (and me, as a result) make money rather than be all warm and fuzzy and only focus on what you are doing right. There are some asses here but there are people that help out a lot as well.

RBA in particular has given me a lot of helpful advice via PM that has helped me with commercial development.

If you can't handle someone on the forum who is on another keyboard, miles and miles away, saying something mean then how are you going to be able to work with clients and the general public? THIS IS THE INTERNET. People have no reason to be nice to you, lie to you, or anything. That is part of why I like this forum. If I am ***ing up, someone will say "this is ***ing up" and then I know to stop it.

Some people just want to hear that they are right. If that is the case, go find some people doing the same thing as you and listen to them tell you that you are right. If you can't, well, perhaps you aren't doing anything properly after all. The learning curve to this business is steep and I've learned a lot here and tried to contribute back. If I need to get some people telling me mean things to go out and be successful, then I'll freakin do it. If someone new feels that they are best telling people rates at super preferred NTU then I'm going to tell them they are screwing up and will lose a lot of business that way.
Josh didn't come across harsh at all. He simply asked if Kwam was selling or recruiting. Kwam got very offended over a simple question.
It all went from there.

You can see this in multiple repsonses from him. It became a game for me, because he was (is) too predictable. I thought I was as obvious that I was intentionally proding him after serious questions were ignored. I didn't take him serious anymore.

I'm new to this game and am trying to learn all that I can. I now know a lot more about several FE companies than I did before. I'm continually tweeking my Insurance business plan from what I learn here and other sites.

But, when you make a claim and someone asks for clarification, and you resort to ignoring, shouting, and personal attacks, you kinda open yourself up for not so kind rebuttals. I really think things would have gone different if he just left out the "reading is fundamental " comment in the beginining.

I was busy having fun, and lost focus of what impressions of the sight I was giving other new members. For that I apologize.

Don't know that Josh has run anybody off. As far as Kwamster is concerned he was still posting today. Perhaps being overly defensive got him off on the wrong foot but I just went back and read his Top 10 FE Companies that Every Agent Should Have at Their Disposal. and I think maybe some misinterpreted what he was saying and he was treated unfairly.

While the title seems to indicate that he is telling everyone what ten companies they must have, he opens the post with this statement

"what are the top 10 final expense insurance companies that you feel every agent should have at his or her disposal?...

Here's mine in no particular order, what's your's?...".

Doesn't sound as he was being presumptuous.. just asking for others' opinions of what companies they thought a person should have.. A valid use of the forum.
Doesn't sound as he was being presumptuous.. just asking for others' opinions of what companies they thought a person should have.. A valid use of the forum.

I thought it was a great thread.
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Thanks for your courage in bringing this up for honest discussion and, in our own way, accept Kwamster to the forum.

He took his licks as we all have in the beginning and learned from them. Whether there is truth to all that was said or overreaction to what was said does not matter any longer.

Welcome to the forum Kwamster...
I may have missed something but why is everyone jumping on kwamster every time he posts?

Initially everyone thought he was about to spam so they shut him down. Next they have to point out every flaw in every post he has.

Maybe he IS green, I don't know. But he has at least tried to start a few new threads about insurance. These types of threads used to get some useful conversation going. Now they are just pointless.

If no one has noticed...this forum is going down hill. If we all attack the newbies that are brave enough to post the thousands of others that are coming here will never make the effort.

I think we can keep new comers from spamming without running everyone off.

If someone has a post from kwamster that is WAY out of line I wish they would post a link because I must have missed it.

I'm in 100% agreement with you. There's just too much hostility on this forum. (But then JD just says one is too thin skinned to be up here).
I may have missed something but why is everyone jumping on kwamster every time he posts?

Initially everyone thought he was about to spam so they shut him down. Next they have to point out every flaw in every post he has.

Maybe he IS green, I don't know. But he has at least tried to start a few new threads about insurance. These types of threads used to get some useful conversation going. Now they are just pointless.

If no one has noticed...this forum is going down hill. If we all attack the newbies that are brave enough to post the thousands of others that are coming here will never make the effort.

I think we can keep new comers from spamming without running everyone off.

If someone has a post from Kwamster that is WAY out of line I wish they would post a link because I must have missed it.


I agree that we could all benefit by showing more respect to people with differing opinions.

I did make a point to post a contradictory opinion regarding the flip chart thing because I think taking the entire post into context that he is dead wrong, but I didn't flame the guy or make it personal, and he didn't flame me or take it personal.