In Your Opinion, Which Is The Best Medigap Plan?

Why would he shoot for HDF just to chase annuities? The people with annuity money (I.E. IRA's, 403B's, 401K's, etc.) are typically more educated and would rather purchase a plan N or G rather than having to worry about the deductible. $2M per year annuities is not super impressive. $2M per year is a goal someone can achieve fairly easy if they know how discuss the benefits of an annuity, especially if you are rolling over T-65 accounts, which is my specialty and market.

I agree. My best year with annuities I sold 2-million and I was always selling Plan G. I agree that only a small portion of affluent people will want Hi-F. Most people have more of a comfort zone with Plan G or N even if money is no object.

If someone was really focused on annuity sales then 2- million is a very low number to hit. But the ease of hitting annuity numbers has a lot to do with how the market is currently performing. I had no focus on annuity sales and rarely ever even mentioned annuities to anyone but in certain years they bring them up to you. They don’t call them by name. But they describe them. They are looking for something that won’t lose money when the market drops. But hopefully pays better than CDs. Just responding to what your client is telling you they want will sell a fair amount of annuities.
I think people assume too much here. He does t65 seminars that talks only about Medicare and does a lot of med supps and sprinkles in MAPD. I never said his focus was annuity or that he kills it in the biz.
He still does more than 90% here

Go back to my original post. I quoted someone who said you could make it only selling HDF, but you would need to pivot to other products.
I bring up an example of someone I work with who does HDF and does exactly that, pivots to annuities and does well.
Then I get told that he doesn’t do that much. Whatever guys. Go sell something.

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