Independent Agent - Multiple Carriers - Solution I've Found to Help


1000 Post Club
Like many others, I have a lot of carriers in numerous states.

I started to get a little annoyed at keeping track of:

Carrier Broker Website Addresses
-Unique user names for each
-Unique secure passwords for each

Unique agent writing number for each carrier

Unique agent support phone numbers - one for each carrier

Unique agent support e-mail - one for each carrier

Underwriting guides for each carrier

Fax number for each carrier...

Some carriers have separate sites to go to just for supplies, etc. (e.g. aimc).

Not that I needed all of this for every carrier - for instance, I don't often e-mail them - but to have to look them up on the rare occasion is annoying.

So - I looked for a solution - and I really like Zoho Vault. I use Zoho for my CRM - and I'm just as impressed with Vault.

With Vault - it's all encrypted - you can have each carrier listed with their website info loaded with auto-login one-click activated.

This is more secure than having your browser remember passwords - which I have never done for carrier websites....

I also like that I can add fields for things like:
Agent Writing Number
Agency Writing Number
Underwriting Phone Number
General Agent Support Phone Number
Supply Phone Number

And then it's all in one place.

Any unique notes can also go in tied to the carrier in an easy-to-see field. For instance, I'm adding a field for quick reference for med supp comp by state. So when I click on carrier x I can see x% in OH....

Only thing I don't like about it so far is the 1mb limit on uploaded resources.

I uploaded a few underwriting guides in the carrier specific "vault" just for easy access (with Mozilla, it can just open the pdf without downloading if you set it up right). One or two guides have been above 1mb...

Anyway - I'm sure there are better systems out there.

But Zoho Vault has everything I was looking for in keeping carrier writing numbers, websites, phone numbers, username/passwords, and quick logins secure in "the cloud."

Basically - I don't want to look up anything any more... Vault will help me with that.