A filter I use, and very few vendors have it, is currently insured. It adds to the cost and decreases the number of leads I get but significantly reduces my effort.
You've mentioned this before, and I am curious as to why you won't accept leads that indicate they are currently uninsured.
Do you have any solid numbers on this issue, as far as leads?
I know that when I get referrals from current clients about "friends" that want to talk to me and they are currently uninsured and over 35, it ususally goes no where, but ocassionally an STM, or some other product gets placed. However, uninsured 35 and under is usually a good referral for health or Life.
As far as lead purchase, I have found that uninsured follows the same trend outlined above, almost identical. Isn't it worth it to pursue some of them?
Also, you mentioned that you don't talk to people that have music on their vm or answering machine. Is it because you think they are idiots?
I have answers, but just wanted to hear another voice of experience.
PM me your charges for the answers
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