Internet Leads...beyond the lead.

Hey all - I don't intend to get all biased or promotional in this discussion - but I can at least give you All Web Lead's return policy for comparison:

There's filters availabe - but you have to be careful it doesn't bump up your cost-per-lead too much that your ROI suffers. Often it's less expensive overall to eat a less-then-desirable lead every now and then but get the rest of your leads at a lower price.

You can return a lead within 15 days if it meets any of the following conditions:
  • All phone numbers provided are disconnected or fax numbers.
  • The lead is a duplicate already received from All Web Leads.
  • The contact is another agent testing the system.
  • The contact is a student researching a school project.
  • Are you kidding?
  • The contact information is obviously incorrect upon initial inspection.
  • There is a language barrier with the prospect.
What if they state, "My wife has had a heart attack..."
Since you undoubtedly sell to about 10 agents per lead you would be hearing the same statement from several agents and it would be verifiable?

Similar to to mfrager's comment - you'd be surprised how many times we call to verify a returned lead, and we get somebody wanting insurance quotes who's never been called.
You're correct we would be.
One of our support guys has a running joke that he should get licensed himself... he'd have at least one easy sell a week. Hilarious. ;)

Points / questions emboldened.