Internet Leads...beyond the lead.

I'm not a big fan of any of the lead generators because it's such a small part of the process. I think you're far better off by setting up a one page site that offers very SPECIFIC information that is of potential interest to a very SPECIFIC audience. In order to get the information they need to opt-in to receive additional information from you. That's how you then build the trust and credibility. You can drive as much traffic as you want by writing articles and posting them on leveraging the key words you want in both the title and the first sentence. Once you get the hang of doing this you'll discover it isn't difficult and you'll get as many leads as you can handle.

how many insurnace policies have you sold using that strategy gimmeabreak.
it might work for selling "sales training" but the insurance buying process moves too fast for that approach
and cold calling in most insurance markets is a total waste of time (missouri medsupp sales being the exception, frank)
Gonna...I think gentlerain is making some very good points. A good website, expert SEO and consistent and informative content will indeed lead to sales.

that's not what gentle was saying.
gentle was saying that you should collect an email list from your "targeted website" and then drip email to that list.
that's not gonna work.

yes, building a good website and really working the SEO will work over time. but it's slow and it takes a lot of investment.

but that's not what gentle was talking about.
Posted by CHUMPS FROM OXFORD "How true. There's an outfit called Health Benefits Direct (out of New York?) that seems to fall into that category. Or so I am told."

They changed their name to PTS so be careful!!!!
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Hey all - I don't intend to get all biased or promotional in this discussion - but I can at least give you All Web Lead's return policy for comparison:

There's filters availabe - but you have to be careful it doesn't bump up your cost-per-lead too much that your ROI suffers. Often it's less expensive overall to eat a less-then-desirable lead every now and then but get the rest of your leads at a lower price.

You can return a lead within 15 days if it meets any of the following conditions:
  • All phone numbers provided are disconnected or fax numbers.
  • The lead is a duplicate already received from All Web Leads.
  • The contact is another agent testing the system.
  • The contact is a student researching a school project.
  • The contact information is obviously incorrect upon initial inspection.
  • There is a language barrier with the prospect.
Each lead returned for credit will be independently verified to ensure it meets the return criteria. More detailed information about our return policy is available on our website under "The AWL Difference."

Similar to to mfrager's comment - you'd be surprised how many times we call to verify a returned lead, and we get somebody wanting insurance quotes who's never been called. One of our support guys has a running joke that he should get licensed himself... he'd have at least one easy sell a week. ;)
Hi Kathy

Many of us had some questions about Allwebleads but they went unanswered by your boss, who mysteriously decided to avoid answering questions (Pesky disclaimer-that's my opinion).

For example:

Do you use affiliates?

What are your 2-3 most popular landing pages?

Do you EVER buy or resell leads to/from other lead
companies? If so, which ones?

Do you ever resell your own leads?

Are UNINSURABLE leads credited?

Thanks and we appreciate you taking the time to post on the Forum.

Webleadchecker was used in this post
I'm a captive agent in California and I have been completely dissatisfied with internet leads. Its kind of like my golf game though... just when I'm about to give up on them entirely, I land a decent account and thus the struggle ensues.

I have researched the internet lead companies to the best of my ability and what I've concluded is that the affiliate programs are the root of the bad lead problem.

I take accountability though because I don't have the right systems in place to contact the lead, follow up with the lead and request credit from the 50% of the leads that are crap.

One man's opinion.