Is Anybody Making Real Money Out There?

Perhaps your brain loses the ability to process hyperbole when you fantasize about being a sci-fi princess.

I sense a side of @DHK most of us never knew existed...?

Please, no cosplay pics!

Also, 10k posts?! Do you ever work? I mean, besides cold calling cellphones ofc :)

I suspect Princess Leia...I mean @DHK has forgotten more about insurance than most of us will ever know.
Bro, you came on this forum asking a question...

So us 2k+ response people must be bitter and not "killing it" because we're active in an insurance forum?


2 month in this business.. boy, you're full of knowledge.. I can't understand why you aren't crushing it.

Insurance isn't an analytical product, it's an emotional one. That requires that you actual give a crap about the product and the customer base you work with.

This is the problem with this forum it's not always helpful ppl it's sometimes losers who just wanna argue back and forth. So now I feel obligated to respond to you ugh against my great will. Yes 2 months in this industry 15 years of sales experience though GEEZER. And it doesn't take longer than a day to realize that it definitely AINT ABOUT BELIEVING IN WHAT YOUR SELLING.

Do I think it's bad for the customers NO of course not or I would've never gotten in to it. It's about high volume quality leads. That's it.

A monkey can sell this if they have the right customer on the line or in person. If you're tricking yourself into believing that a better script is the the miracle answer...IT'S NOT.

If you tricked yourself into believing ...oh I just gotta get a LITTLE bit better at my rapport building...IT AINT THAT EITHER.

It's...1.) Do they want/need it. 2.) Can they afford it? 3.) Did you catch them at the right time in their buying process.

That's it mate. So stop it.

It's complaining. You're working FE. By product design these people are on the lower end of the income scale. If they had the 10k, or their family, to be buried they wouldn't need you.

I won't be answering anymore, because I have too many posts and clearly don't know what I'm talking about.

Good luck.
That's were your wrong . All leads basically outside a Tv leads are deceitful or bs . If you want someone to send in the card and say i want ins your in the wrong business . Why do you think ins pays such a high commission? Because its tough. Many have mailed in so many they know what its about . They took the time and effort to read it,fill it out and mail it in . I mailed something yesterday and it takes effort . If they already have something GREAT!!. My jobs just to get you this info . Takes only 5 mins . I'm going somewhere in a few mins (If i door knock). Tammy i just drove 60 miles to see you . Takes 5 mins . Surely wherever your going can wait 5 mins. In the end you have one shot either on the phone or door knocking to get in that house . Throw the kitchen sink at it if necessary . No coming back . If they throw a smokescreen at you dig in harder till they say no,no,no no . Then politely walk away and tear the lead up. On to the next. Your there to help people . If they insist on no walk .

I appreciate this response greatly. I genuinely do, but I will say this. If everything you say is true. It seems soul crushing mate and no an industry that one could absolutely thrive in. Am I wrong?
Hmmmm? "These ppl either want it or they dont. They either can afford it or they can't."

Someone has at least been reading my old posts. Even if I'm in the 10,000 post a day club.
I appreciate this response greatly. I genuinely do, but I will say this. If everything you say is true. It seems soul crushing mate and no an industry that one could absolutely thrive in. Am I wrong?


Your statements about rapport are also wrong.

If you're good at what you do, you don't need a script. Scripts are for people like you that don't know what you're doing yet.

Insurance is not transactional. It is emotional.

In FE, for example, people are poor. The $50 you take from them is a lot of money.

1) They have to trust you (rapport helps with this.)
2) You have to sell the need (your familly can grieve vs having spaghetti dinners to pay for your funeral.)

None of those things happen of you don't build a relationship.

People can go online and buy insurance. They don't need you... And frankly, if you approach this business the way you do.. they really don't need you.

Your job is to find them, figure out their problem, and help guide them to a solution.

Clearly you've never worked in any real sales environment. If there's no pain, there's no sale.

People (especially poor and older people) are naturally resistant to anyone that wants to sell the something.

And before you respond, just take a 30 sec break to understand YOU came HERE to ask this question. We didn't sell to you that it would be super easy on jump street. Maybe you should watch something by Jordan Belfort concerning rapport, need, pain, and closing.
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I can tell you with 1000% certainty this isn't the issue. Man if you just believed in it more, you'd start making $20,000 lol.. It just doesn't work that way.
How would you know? Apparently your way isn't working at all!

Of course I don't mean "if you just believe in it more you'll automatically sell more." Obviously, there has to be a way to find and sell qualified prospects. That's marketing. But it doesn't sound like that's your problem, because you're getting in front of people. You're just not selling them.
Anyways no honor in trying to get you to see that. It's a numbers massive numbers game anyways I have some ideas...but the builidng rapport, having a good script's all bullsh$# in my humble opionion.
Well, sure! Even a blind pig can find a kernel of corn if he roots around long enough!

"Numbers game" doesn't mean talking to as many people as possible until you find someone begging to buy. It means finding enough qualified prospects that you can then persuade to become buyers. Having said that, there are ways, as others have brought up, to market so that you're mostly talking to high intent, motivated prospects. But those methods take either $$ or a great deal of effort.

Establishing rapport (I don't say "building" because rapport is easy if you're a people person. Nearly impossible if you're not.), and having a track (not a "script", but a direction) are part of the sales (persuasion) process. The sales process is a real thing. If you try to shortcut it, your numbers will be short, too.

These ppl either want it or they dont. They either can afford it or they can't. Got a few more ideas Im going to try but that is not one of them.
If you're wilting under that little bit of sales resistance, I wonder if sales is even the right thing for you. Even the most highly motivated prospect is going to throw up some resistance. You can't let smokescreen objections stop you.

Marketing systems only get you to the door (or phone). Once you're in, you still have to sell. That's why belief and process are both so important.