Is Every Prospect a Potential Client


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Is every prospect a potential client?

Not really.

When I look at a lead there are a few things that are key's to the way I will approach the prospect. But there is always this at the back of my mind.

Either they are a potential client, or they KNOW someone who can be a potential client.

Some of my best referrals come from people who did not buy a thing from me. Therefore, EVERYONE is treated as a potential client until one of us decides the business relationship is over.

When a lead comes in, I look for two things. Health & affordability.

Got 2 leads in last PM. One is an insurlin dependent diabetic, the other has heart disease and a bunch of meds. Neither one of them will be a client (and I will get a credit for those leads) but either of them have the ability to refer others to me.

Both will be called. Both will have their medical information confirmed. Both will be told there is nothing I can do for them and both will be encouraged to refer people they encounter to me.


All it costs me is 5 minutes on the phone. Sometimes I will get an instant referral.


If they are healthy, then affordability is the next issue. Since I only deal in prospects who are currently insured, I know they are paying something for coverage. I also know they are unhappy with their current plan.

It is easy to find out what they are paying, and why they are unhappy. All I have to do is ask.

Sometimes they tell me they are on a group plan paying $20/week for family coverage. They are not going to be a prospect for me so I shift into referral mode. Sometimes I will get a referral, but it is rare from these people.


Everyone I talk to in person or over the phone is either a prospect or knows someone who is a prospect. Referrals are great.
What type of service to you use to get these leads. Especially when they tell you they are insulin dependent or heart diease? Would appreciate the information. I am still looking.
Most of my leads are shared, internet leads. They are filtered to reject those who do not have coverage now, or have a declinable health condition.

Sometimes leads will slip through and I always get credit for those.
Is every prospect a potential client?

Not really.

When I look at a lead there are a few things that are key's to the way I will approach the prospect. But there is always this at the back of my mind.

Either they are a potential client, or they KNOW someone who can be a potential client.

Some of my best referrals come from people who did not buy a thing from me. Therefore, EVERYONE is treated as a potential client until one of us decides the business relationship is over.

When a lead comes in, I look for two things. Health & affordability.

Got 2 leads in last PM. One is an insurlin dependent diabetic, the other has heart disease and a bunch of meds. Neither one of them will be a client (and I will get a credit for those leads) but either of them have the ability to refer others to me.

Both will be called. Both will have their medical information confirmed. Both will be told there is nothing I can do for them and both will be encouraged to refer people they encounter to me.


All it costs me is 5 minutes on the phone. Sometimes I will get an instant referral.


If they are healthy, then affordability is the next issue. Since I only deal in prospects who are currently insured, I know they are paying something for coverage. I also know they are unhappy with their current plan.

It is easy to find out what they are paying, and why they are unhappy. All I have to do is ask.

Sometimes they tell me they are on a group plan paying $20/week for family coverage. They are not going to be a prospect for me so I shift into referral mode. Sometimes I will get a referral, but it is rare from these people.


Everyone I talk to in person or over the phone is either a prospect or knows someone who is a prospect. Referrals are great.

How do you got about talking with somebody about getting a referral? Do you prefer the more direct approach (Do you know somebody......) vs. the non-directive approach (I'd appreciate it if you would send my website at ..........).

SW3 = some will, some wont, so what?

Referrals are easy to ask for if you have performed a service. I usually say something like "if you feel the information I have provided is helpful I would appreciate if you would pass my name on to anyone you meet who may be looking for health insurance."

The best technique I've seen to gain referrals is to offer something of value to clients after they have bought as a thank you for their business. This could be a good book on investing or boiler plate white paper on social security benefits. Anything you think the client would be interested in receiving. When you send it include a letter that asks for the names of 4 or 5 friends or family who might also be interested in receiving the same free offer. If they give you names, which they often will do, you now have obtained new referrals without actually asking for them.
I really wouldn't consider those referrals.

I remember when I started with great American they always taught me to get the names of as many people as I could from their friends and family...people that could use my service.

Anytime I got them, they were a waste of time.

You HAD to bring back a FIVE, yes 5 year old thread????:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh: