Is Healthcare a Privilege or a Right?

Polling the board- were my pints too harsh or heartless

Im trying to be acompassionate conservative

I believe that there is a direct correlation between Viagra sales and the number of times that Hillary appears on TV. I bet if you graphed that out that there would be a correlation there.

unable to purchase anything other than the state pool coverage

Then you have an option.

Another being a job with benefits.

Health insurance is available to everyone, regardless of their medical condition.

You just may not have as much freedom to do your own thing is all if you take ajob.

Life is a series of choices some good some bad and you are responsible
I have good coverage, I was using myself as an example, but not counting the VA coverage. Not everyone is a veteran who qualifies for VA coverage.

Try to find a job with benefits when you are in your 50's. That is why I am an insurance agent ;)

I understand your opinions and actually for the most part, share them. My original point comes back to the fact that it isn't going to be up to us. The genie is out of the bottle and healthcare reform is on the way. Until the election is decided, what version of it we get is really the only debate that is based in reality.

Nope, strictly speaking, it is not a right. Neither are a lot of things we take for granted, but again, the train has left the station, the bell has been rung. Will it be the Obama/Biden version or the McCain/__________ version is the only question. With a Democrat controlled legislature I think we all know the answer will be much closer to the Obama/Clinton plans than the Republican plans.

We will all still have work regardless of the plans. Our products may change, but they do all the time already. In the end we have little or no say, we just adapt.
Obama wont win the tide has shifted

McCain/Hutchinson will win the day

The independent who havent decided wont break for Obama they never break for the radical candidate

People view health care as a right since some of the forced payments to the government (aka taxes) fund health care.

The problem lies that no one wants to use the state or federal funded health care as it stands now. When was the last time you were in a free clinic?

People want the best health care possible. The problem is that they want it for free.

I guess one way to illustrate this would be when McDonalds did the free coffee Mondays. Anyone could go in and get a coffee. People with money could also get a sandwich, fries, etc. You got money, you get more.

So, the very basic care is a right only because you are forced to be paying for it. Health insurance is privileged since you elect it.