Is the New 2025 CMS Rule for Agent compensation actually GREAT news for AGENTS and FMOs?

I'm beginning to wonder who are these fmos you keep talking about.

I don't know of any reputable fmos that are blabbering on facebook or you tube. Pimps and posers, yes, but not the reputable ones.

Key word here is reputable
Justin Brock who has 3 k agents , Christine brindle who integrity bought , Brian Hess . Tons of mga’s and sga’s who make $500 k to over a million a year in Medicare overrides
Justin Brock who has 3 k agents , Christine brindle who integrity bought , Brian Hess . Tons of mga’s and sga’s who make $500 k to over a million a year in Medicare overrides
The only one I recognize is Brindle. Seen his stuff on youtube.

You and I have a different definition of an fmo. My definition would be a @Newby or @Todd King. And a few others. They all bring value to the table and they are worth what they get paid.

No disrespect but your guys are all about recruiting. They are constantly re-inventing the wheel and coming up with new systems just to keep their ball rolling.

Real agents don't need or want that.
Hey Don,
Can you let me know where you see the cap of $1300? i couldn't find it in the rules document. As for the rest, I think the industry will collapse without "good" FMO's. Based on the language in the rule, I expect them to find some kind of work around to be able to compensate us for recruitment, training and the substantial continuous support that my team provides to both our direct agents and the teams that we helped them recruit for themselves. It may not be able to be based on a per app basis, but it very clearly says that the rules on compensation caps do not extend to TPMO's.
It's just a supposition of what a maximum payout could look like when you figure in all the extras - the Health phone call, marketing money from an FMO, etc
That’s were your wrong . Mapd is not a free mkt . Carriers have gamed the system stealing from taxpayers . Your overrides are paid by the taxpayer . How’s it a free mkt making 80% overrides on an ins product ?This crazy money over the yrs has caused this mess were in . Cms has spoken .
CMS pays the carriers what it would have spent + some extra. CMS is an overbloated agency that gets defrauded by the billions. But when 50% of members choose a MAPD, that means that CMS doesn't get to administrate 50% of the members. CMS, for it's part, would rather not have MAPD's because they won't get the funding to overbloat executive pay if their share is shrinking. That's why year after year they've thrown boulders into the way of the agent to market MAPD. What other industry requires a 2 day wait to talk to a customer? Or withholds commissions for 3 months (during AEP) before the agent can get paid? CMS hates MAPD. The Insurance companies, by giving out all the extra comp, exposes how bloated CMS is. If they can administrate plans and have extra left over to pay extra, then that proves CMS is poorly run. This is just CMS trying to CYA the fact that they are poorly run.
The only one I recognize is Brindle. Seen his stuff on youtube.

You and I have a different definition of an fmo. My definition would be a @Newby or @Todd King. And a few others. They all bring value to the table and they are worth what they get paid.

No disrespect but your guys are all about recruiting. They are constantly re-inventing the wheel and coming up with new systems just to keep their ball rolling.

Real agents don't need or want that.
Newby and Todd are not Fmo’s in the sense of size .They are imo’s For that matter neither is Brock or Brindle a fmo Fmo’s have 20-100 employees and do 300-100 k policys a yr . Fmo’s are Gordon Marketing , Nieshloss and Fleming , agent Pipeline . They contract 10-25 k agents .
Ask yourself a question . Do you really believe cms would have gone to all this trouble to give $100 raise to agents and take away there marketing money and leave the fmo unscathed ? Lol . The fmo could give 2 damms about marketing money as most of that was paid by carriers . There could be some money structured for the top line fmo’s for tasks such as licensing, training , software etc . But the Ga, mga , sga will 100% not get overrides on agents . Cms specifically has mentioned the $1300 total comp for a mapd enrollment. They want to stem the flow of money . No matter how anyone chops this up much less total comp is out there for fmo’s
does anyone care about FMO compensation?
Google $1300 Medicare advantage commission and it will pull up . So here we are again . The agent gets screwed with no marketing money or hra fee and the fmo wants there’s comp? I can tell you this 100% if the fmo gets there comp my substantial marketing money will be coming out of there overrides .
$25 HRA $$-I can live without it
This is the main issue for a independent issue. What happens to all the apps we did in the past 3 plus yrs ? I know from a credible source that some integrity call centers take our client list and call them . Honestly that doesn’t bother me as our clients get massive calls daily . I’m assuming if the fmo does get paid directly from the carriers they can still help the agent with commission problems ,hung up apps etc . That’s one thing I’ll miss . I could dump those issues on the fmo . I can’t see Connecture being over$200 a month . It’d price agents out of mkt . Agents will start having to exam the economics of the business . Will an agent with a book of 30-50 pay $300 or more for Connecture . Will he spend $3000 a yr to buy leads to keep that 50 ? I personally think a book of business becomes more valuable now . Entry to selling Medicare as an independent agent wil be tough . You’ll have to pay all your own lead costs ( no more carriers paying for a booth , seminar or Walmart ) .Pay your own Connecture or Sunfire . Another area I probably got $5 k a yr of is swag ( company branded shit ) . I’m sitting on 20 boxes of branded stuff from United , Humana and Aetna. I grew my business from the client 1 to now for zero cost . That can never happen to a new agent going forward
fascinating read- I;ve never had any marketing money come my way-ever. I always call the carriers if there is a hiccup as FMO are worthless. I would go back to paper apps- I usually meet every client face to face anyway. It;s the "call recording" that is a huge issue.

I already record calls-but storing them for 10 years?????