Jami Rice - IMS - A word of Caution

Do you think she printed off the previous thread from you? I doubt it. I doubt she could even do anything about it. You stated facts and you were an unhappy customer.

Dang, I am gonna sue the next old lady that drops my policy and tells her friend that my policy costs too much.
I had very similar results as everyone else...

I was unhappy with the quality of leads I was receiving... I was unhappy that I caught her selling the leads to 2 different agents... and I was unhappy with her billing as well.

I made that all known to her, and let her know I wanted to pause my account. She responded with "So you want to stop the leads after the next 30 days? We have you scheduled till then".... to which I said "No, that doesn't do me any good, I want to pause them NOW. I never heard back from her. I actually emailed her about a month after and said I'd gladly give her another shot and would like to talk about the quality of the leads, and wanted to make sure we were on the same page. She never responded, so I assumed she didn't want the business. Sounds like she is losing a lot of business... which tends to happen if you don't do business properly.

I've had bad experiences with several telemarketing companies. What it comes down to is nothing is as good as doing it yourself. I think the only other way to do it is to hire people yourself off of Craigslist. At least with that, you can have some control over lead quality.
Sr Advisor,
I dont know if she did that or not. I am not concerned either. I stated facts. By the way, I sent her this email very early this morning...


Where is my money that you said twice that you did credit back to me………. This is going to get VERY ugly if you don’t credit back what you took from me UNEARNED and UNAUTHORIZED. Are you so broke that this $300 means that much to you? You are not returning any emails, and if you think that I am going to “go away” you are wrong……………. All you have to do is refund my money…………..YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS INSTIGATING THIS MATTER, AND ALLOWING IT TO CONTINUE. I AM GOING TO POST MY STORY all OVER THE INTERNET, THIS WEEKEND……IF I DON’T GET AN ANSWER FROM YOU TODAY!


still no response...

I truly amazes me, I have never had to resort to this kind of communications with anyone in my life...

But the more she resorts to blowing this off, the more upset I become, I feel like someone who got ripped off by their neighbor, and knows that they did it, but is not able to do anything about it.... Frustrating to say the least.
But the more she resorts to blowing this off, the more upset I become, I feel like someone who got ripped off by their neighbor, and knows that they did it, but is not able to do anything about it.... Frustrating to say the least.

Out here on the east cost if a neighbor did something stupid he the scottish side of me at his front door.
I saw that you paid her with a credit card. Just call the company, and dispute the charge. They will send you a form to fill out, and take it from there. I wouldn't even bother with her any more, just include the copies of your communication with her to the credit card company, and they will refund your money. This is provided, that you are correct according to the terms of your contract with her. If you could, I would like to see a copy of the contract.
She already agreed to refund it though. So why does the contrct matter?

That's why I asked to see a copy of the contract. To read it with my own eyes. The contract will, or should, spell out each other's obligation to each other.

You: Your Honor, she said she would give me back my money.
The Judge: It also states she is entitled 300.00 severance if you terminate early.
You: But your Honor, she promised.
The Judge: Is that your signature?
I explained above that it was a Debit card. The refund process is different from a Credit Card, although it has a Visa Logo on it, that dosent matter. I am not protected like I would have been with a credit card.

If it was that easy, I would'nt have bothered with all of this.

Sr. You are right, the contract does not matter. She has sent me 2 seperate emails days apart stating that she DID refund me the money already, but obviously that does not seem to have happened, obviously.

Thanks for the input though, New Guy. I know you are just trying to help.


I don't think at this time I am willing to travel to Missouri from Georgia to show her my 6'3" 275lb Irish side. I appreciate the input though.
