Jami Rice - IMS - A word of Caution

Out here on the east cost if a neighbor did something stupid he the scottish side of me at his front door.

Wow, if that happened to me I would turn it over to my South Philly collection agency----Sal & Dante, Inc. I had thought of using another outfit, Smith & Wesson, but that seemed too drastic. Sal & Dante use only top of the line convincers, i.e., Louisville Sluggers on the kneecaps.:mad:
Same problems, same story, Very rude and very unprofessional. Why would anyone do business when she called the above individual "White Trash" She threatened me with taking me to court, because I posted my experience on the forum, said it was slander? What a joke, All I can say is everyone should read these post and stay completely away from this service, horrible leads, ton of disqualified people, People that cleary stated they did not want a quote, and several of the "exclusive Leads" went to other Agents,
Several of the "exclusive Leads" went to other Agents.

Would you be so kind as to share with us how you know that the exclusive leads went to other agents? I take it you probably talked with some of potential clients and they implied they were called multiple times by different people, but I could be wrong.
Well...Well...Well... It looks like Jami Was terminated due to unethical practices....go figure... Here is an email from IMS.... although I still hav'nt got any money back, at least the "problem" at the company has been removed.

I am still going to the bank today as advised in previous posts, because I still dont believe that they will return my money... I think they are just buying time...

"Our merchant processor was to return the funds however with several people and their unethical business practices they have turned off our merchant account so therefore, we are not trying to defy, lie, or cheat we are really trying to get this returned for you but when others make it difficult to run your business unfortunately it hurts others as well so we are sending you payment to make this right. I highly suggest that you stop with the interrogations. Jami is no longer the owner. We are in the process of buying her out so we are wrapping things up this month and the business will be under new ownership and you will receive your $300 in return. Until then, I would appreciate a little patience and professionalism as this will not be tolerated. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter."

Ever been to a used car dealership, and they act like they "fire" the sales rep that you complained about, only to see him there when you return to get your car serviced? This still seems fishy....

However, I will stop with my "interrogations" (daily emails) to them for a while and see what happens... Good Luck agents.
FWIW, if a bank processor has too many problems with a client, such as claims of fraudulent charges, they will suspend or terminate the account. The merchant must then open a new account with a new processor (not that difficult) or they must make application for the existing processor to re-open the account over a new signator.
Well...Well...Well... It looks like Jami Was terminated due to unethical practices....go figure... Here is an email from IMS.... although I still hav'nt got any money back, at least the "problem" at the company has been removed.

I am still going to the bank today as advised in previous posts, because I still dont believe that they will return my money... I think they are just buying time...

"Our merchant processor was to return the funds however with several people and their unethical business practices they have turned off our merchant account so therefore, we are not trying to defy, lie, or cheat we are really trying to get this returned for you but when others make it difficult to run your business unfortunately it hurts others as well so we are sending you payment to make this right. I highly suggest that you stop with the interrogations. Jami is no longer the owner. We are in the process of buying her out so we are wrapping things up this month and the business will be under new ownership and you will receive your $300 in return. Until then, I would appreciate a little patience and professionalism as this will not be tolerated. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter."

Ever been to a used car dealership, and they act like they "fire" the sales rep that you complained about, only to see him there when you return to get your car serviced? This still seems fishy....

However, I will stop with my "interrogations" (daily emails) to them for a while and see what happens... Good Luck agents.

That does not sound like a professional business communication to me. It sounds like it was written by an 8th grader.

It almost sounds like they are accusing you of "unethical business practices".

A phone call to you would have been a lot more professional. That is just one of the reasons e-mail is not my favorite way to communicate with people. They don't know how to express themselves on paper.

Imagine that person sending an e-mail requesting support for a computer program.

I agree completely, but with all that has happened with this company, I am pleased to have a "paper trail record" of communication, with these people.