Joe Lieberman: I'll Filibuster Harry Reid's Plan

Joe Lieberman: I'll filibuster Harry Reid's plan

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Unless they decide to ram it through reconciliation in which case there will be no filibustering. High entertainment value either way. Reconciliation is a little bloodier but if you liked Deliverance it could be okay.
Your babe Olympia is vowing to block it as well.

If it goes to reconciliation it will sunset in a few years like the "Bush" tax cuts.
Actually, I'm not sure they have 50 votes for reconciliation at this point. It would be close.
Your babe Olympia is vowing to block it as well.


Welll, yahhhh. Always has. In the end you guys will come around. She is not vowing to block it too. She is the leader among the do-nothing Repubs to try to stop it.

She will bring both the dems and the repubs around to a public option with trigger scenario, giving the repubs a chance to regroup and fight. Most likely though they will focus on executing her being the idiots that they are.

In addition Twisted Sister Susan Collins will continue to be extremely vocal on fighting the cuts to Medicare which are planned to fund cubancare. She is almost worthless, except she is ahead of all the other Republicans in speaking up. Why dont we execute Collins too because she speaks to Olympia. Yeh that will help.

Obama tried to make Olympia a tool but ended out making her the most powerful member of the Senate. Maybe Mr. Obama can send her some CD's from the White House gift shop to try to win over the independent yankee.