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Yes, that is an excellent point, context plays a big role. 94% is a really good score, that is definitely a check in the box for ExFx.
If you don't mind me asking, how long ago was it? My main concern with ExFx is that they are declining, was your experience more recent? Complaints about uncovered topics are up and scores are down from 5 years ago.
ExFx recently bought TesTeachers, I'm getting a demo of how they are combining the two probably in January. It's interesting with your take on TT, if it will improve or possibly take them a step back.
I think a lot might be learning styles when comparing ExFx vs. TT, I used, and, preferred the style of ExFx when I got licensed, but many of my students complain that there is not enough video etc.
One thing I like about AD Banker is that the video is completely optional, you can use it for a supplement, or skip it completely and not miss anything. Hopefully it will satisfy both styles of learner.
I took my life exam last December and my health exam in August. Have you checked their ExFx scores on the practice tests and guarantee exams? Are they making use of the focused reviews? I find those to be VERY helpful in broadening the scope of the questions.
AD banker sounds nice.