Kathleen Sebelius: "Healthcare.gov is Now on FACEBOOK"


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Kathleen Sebelius (Health and Human Services) announced today that Healthcare.gov now has a FACEBOOK presence.

Insurance News - HHS Announces the Launch of HealthCare.gov on Facebook

I've seen my wife and kids use Facebook, but I've never bothered because they seem to be mildly addicted to it. Isn't it nothing more than a chat-room, or a bulletin board with photos?

What good would it do to have thousands of people logging in to a Healhcare.gov Facebook forum to babble about Obamacare? I'm sure most folks would go there to complain about one thing or another.

Do many of you have Facebook accounts?

Apparently they would prefer you not to spread lies and misinformation or partisan political statements. Only the White House is allowed to do that. Comment policy:

This Facebook Page was created as an informational resource for updates from HealthCare.gov.

Facebook encourages and allows for the submission of written comments. In accordance with the Federal Government's other social media comment policies, HealthCare.Gov has instituted the following comment policy for this Facebook page:

General Comment Guidelines:
We encourage you to share your comments and ideas. But to protect your privacy, please do not disclose personally identifiable information, such as an e-mail address, home address or phone number for yourself or others.

HealthCare.gov is an informational resource, and we request that you refrain from posting comments that contain partisan political statements.

We will consider your comments when posting new updates, but we are unable to respond directly to individual inquiries. We are also unable to answer questions about your specific health care situation.

HealthCare.gov does not endorse the comments or opinions provided by visitors to this site. Following/being followed also does not imply endorsement.

We retain the discretion to determine which comments violate our comment policy. We also reserve the right to remove and/or not allow comments to get posted. The views expressed within posted comments do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or the federal government.
To maintain respectful interaction on this page, we encourage that all comments:

Stay focused. All viewpoints are welcome, but comments should remain relevant to this Facebook page and the associated website (Health Care - HealthCare.gov).
Be respectful. Respect others opinions and share your opinions in a respectful way.
Tell the truth. Spreading misleading or false information is prohibited.
No spam. Repeated posting of identical or very similar content in a counter-productive manner is prohibited — this includes posts aggressively promoting services or products.
Comments could be deleted if they:

Contain commercial endorsements.
Contain discriminatory, racist, offensive, obscene, inflammatory, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable statements, language or content.
Violate the spirit of this comment policy.

Note that records will be kept of all comments that are deleted for the above reasons.
We reserve the right to block or delete offenders of this policy.
I haven't checked the page yet, but I'm sure that this bunch of liars and thieves (they are ALL liars and thieves, by the way, regardless whether they are D's or R's) is surely planting good comments all over the place. This whole thing is in desperate need of some decent PR, you can bet they will be posting fake positives all day long.
I am sure they would know that they will be receiving negative comments but they would have still created a facebook account for marketing purposes.... after all an account on facebook is a must these days!