Kathleen Sebelius: "Healthcare.gov is Now on FACEBOOK"

Someone really tricked out that page for them. Taxpayer dollars I am certain.

Get a load of the comments page.

Tell the truth. Spreading misleading or false information is prohibited.

Too bad the same doesn't apply to them . . .
Not only did I grow a moustache before it was popular for non-gays, but I was selling healthcare before it became mainstream.


We should recruit Barbara Mandrell to do a parody song for us. Something along the lines of "I was a health guy, when health wasn't cool."
start posting on there

I did.....

HealthCare.gov Comment Policy | Facebook

How am I going to find health insurance for my 15 year old son now because this first wave of legislation made all the insurance company's take child only policy's off the market...way to go....thanks....so in 2014 all of us going to be on a government health plan...nice....might as well just move to Canada...
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