Landing Pages

Yes, kind of.

My blog is incorporated into the site . . . pages and posts. Seems like I have read that pages carry more weight (possibly since they are static) while posts have less and are dynamic.

But that could be all off.

More interested in feedback on adding new pages/posts vs reworking existing pages/posts.

In the past I have been able to revive old pages and posts with updates but can't decide if that still works or not.

From what I have been reading about PPC you should definitely have a landing page designed to deliver on the promise of your PPC ad. Just assuming you should follow a similar pattern for organic search.

I have read that pages and posts are weighed the same by google. But I am no SEO expert, just a student.

And yes, from everything I have read the landing page quality is key with ppc.

Are you planning to run ppc campaigns for multiple pages or posts? Or just all for your home page?
It makes no difference for SEO or ppc if content is in post form or in page form, good content is good good content. A "post" is just a page with formatting.

With that being said if you are looking for a ppc landing page I would definitely choose a dedicated page as a landing page just because it gives you more design freedom in the layout instead of being limited to the way posts on your blog look.

BTW I think it is mainly ad quality that is important. They check relevance of ad to page but I don't think onsite factors effect ppc as much as SEO. I'm not a ppc expert either so I could be wrong
83, considering different landing page to match PPC ad.

JW, you could be right. Problem with reading different things on the same topic from different authors is figuring out who has the right answer. There is some agreement, but also when you get into nuances there are differing opinions.
83, considering different landing page to match PPC ad.

This is usually recommended to have a dedicated landing page for each ad so you can track statistics more accurately. if you driving ppc clicks to a page you also drive organic traffic too your data wont be as accurate.
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My advice with pay per click is to experiment with different content on your landing pages (and/or different landing pages) and see how your quality score ( given in Adwords) varies by Keyword. A few changes of language etc. can improve your quality score which helps with both organic search and ppc
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If it's a post, I would consider adding more content and then reposting to the front page. Push it out on your social media channels and try to get more backlinks to it.
The last point is a good one as Google rewards content in posts that updates (as well as has been pointed out you will more likely get backlinks)