Lapsed Term With Incorrect Smoker Status


New Member
Hi there -

I was just reviewing my dad's life insurance contract and found (he is still alive and well) and found that he had a 15 year term contract that he lapsed in 2015 when the guaranteed period ended. When I looked at the premium, I saw that he was underwritten in 2000 as a Smoker. My dad says he may have smoked once or twice in the 1960s but not at all in the 70s, 80s, or 90s. I don't know if a mistake was made on the company side or if my ad thought the question was if he ever smoked and not if he currently smokes. I'm thinking that for a 100,000 face amount with issue age 50, he overpaid by the thousands in that 15 year period. While he isn't expecting to get anything for this mistake, I'm wondering if anyone has heard of this type of incident and thinks that the insurer could owe money?

Also, the doctor that he had in 2000 has since passed away and was a good family friend. My dad's current doctor has been seeing my dad since 2007.