Last Night's Debate

Huntsman, is the better choice. But the press likes to play games. In the end. the press will make Obama, out as the 2nd coming of JFK. And he will be re-elected. We have to hope for a republican congress and senate. Like Ronald Reagan, he had a dem, congress and senate.
It would be funny if it was a Cain/Bachmann ticket - from a party supposedly made up of rich white guys.

That being said I'm not a huge fan of Bachnmann but I like the irony.
Huntsman, is the better choice. But the press likes to play games. In the end. the press will make Obama, out as the 2nd coming of JFK. And he will be re-elected. We have to hope for a republican congress and senate. Like Ronald Reagan, he had a dem, congress and senate.

Maybe I'm clueless. I'm not paying as much attention to politics as I used to because it is too negative BUT do you really think Obama could possibly be re-elected? I don't even hear of any democrats that are happy with him.

I can't believe that any one of these guys would have any trouble beating him. Am I completely off base?
Maybe I'm clueless. I'm not paying as much attention to politics as I used to because it is too negative BUT do you really think Obama could possibly be re-elected? I don't even hear of any democrats that are happy with him.

I can't believe that any one of these guys would have any trouble beating him. Am I completely off base?

He could be if we don't focus on policy in these debates and going forward. I'm quite disappointed in Fox for running that debate the way it did. I'm tired of the arguing between Romney and Perry about who said what when. Maybe they should just stick to arguing about who has better hair and who looks more presidential. Entertaining but it distracts from what we really need to be focused on.
I believe the press will, start saying how it is not his fault, and blame George Bush, also the arab money will start flowing in, like before. He is the first president to throw Israel, under the bus. Yet the American/Jews will still vote for him. Right after he gets re-elected he will recognize palestine. just my opinion.
Most of the candidates can't win, including Cain. Not saying he would not make a good prez, just that he can't beat Obumma.

If you want someone who is good at debates, the only candidate that can go toe to toe with Barry is Newt. He would shred Obumma but Newt won't get the nomination and even if he did, he can't win.

Perry and Romney are the only ones with a chance. Based on what I have seen so far, Romney will come closer to squaring off against BO than Perry. Perry fades out too fast and loses his train of thought if you catch him off guard.

Romney has weaknesses, mostly that he flip-flops and often sounds more like a Democrat than a Republican, but he had come a long way since 2008.

When I heard Romney's concession speech I remember thinking if he had just spoken from his heart in the campaign like he did in withdrawing he might have had more support.

Karl Rove and the Bushies are doing what they can to sink Perry but he may sink himself before too long.

Romney is going to have to become a street fighter like the Chicago mafia he will be running against if he wants to win. He needs to go on the attack and constantly remind people how inept Obumma is and how he has accomplished less in almost three years in office than Jimmy Carter did.

Carter defeated himself and Obumma will do the same. That winning smile and class warfare Marxist rhetoric won't sell among the folks that will decide this election.

Regardless of who is at the top of the Republican ticket, it won't be easy and Obumma will have a lot of cash to throw around, but I don't think he can buy his way back in to the White House.

John Connally spent more money than anyone in 1979 but still finished second to a former actor and Democrat by the name of Reagan.

Connally spent $11 million on his campaign and ended up with one delegate to the convention.

So far Romney's campaign is well oiled compared to the last time. He has had a lot of coaching and it shows.

He may not be the best person for the job but anyone is better than who we have now.
Most of the candidates can't win, including Cain. Not saying he would not make a good prez, just that he can't beat Obumma.

If you want someone who is good at debates, the only candidate that can go toe to toe with Barry is Newt. He would shred Obumma but Newt won't get the nomination and even if he did, he can't win.

Perry and Romney are the only ones with a chance. Based on what I have seen so far, Romney will come closer to squaring off against BO than Perry. Perry fades out too fast and loses his train of thought if you catch him off guard.

Romney has weaknesses, mostly that he flip-flops and often sounds more like a Democrat than a Republican, but he had come a long way since 2008.

When I heard Romney's concession speech I remember thinking if he had just spoken from his heart in the campaign like he did in withdrawing he might have had more support.

Karl Rove and the Bushies are doing what they can to sink Perry but he may sink himself before too long.

Romney is going to have to become a street fighter like the Chicago mafia he will be running against if he wants to win. He needs to go on the attack and constantly remind people how inept Obumma is and how he has accomplished less in almost three years in office than Jimmy Carter did.

Carter defeated himself and Obumma will do the same. That winning smile and class warfare Marxist rhetoric won't sell among the folks that will decide this election.

Regardless of who is at the top of the Republican ticket, it won't be easy and Obumma will have a lot of cash to throw around, but I don't think he can buy his way back in to the White House.

John Connally spent more money than anyone in 1979 but still finished second to a former actor and Democrat by the name of Reagan.

Connally spent $11 million on his campaign and ended up with one delegate to the convention.

So far Romney's campaign is well oiled compared to the last time. He has had a lot of coaching and it shows.

He may not be the best person for the job but anyone is better than who we have now.

You may be right about Romney but to me that's worrisome. I think this is going to be one of the most vicious campaigns in modern history. It has to be because Obama has nothing else to run on, especially his record.

Obama may be the worst president in modern history but I still don't underestimate his cult of personality and campaigning skills. Don't forget he took down the Clinton machine in 08. I'm not sure Romney has the stones to get that down and dirty in a Chicago politics type of election.

Guess we'll see.... I just hope the American people have put down the Obama-Aid and will see how he's destrying this country.
Don't forget he took down the Clinton machine in 08.

True, but he had followers that were swayed by his, uh, charm. Quite a few of those will not vote for him the next time. He has to get a new crowd to take the place of young people, white women, Jews and about 15% of the blacks that voted for him last time.

Many of those college students that voted for him last time have since graduated, unable to find a job, and are back living with mom. I don't think many of them will make the same mistake a 2nd time.

Most of those who voted for him last time around have buyers remorse and now understand Hillary was the better choice.

That was then and it is too late now.

No doubt O will run a dirty campaign but he doesn't have Rahmbo to do a lot of the dirty work.

He can't defend Obamacare, stimulus, jobs or anything else. He has nothing to run on.

Give me just 4 more years and I can fix things.

Really? Really?

What have you fixed so far?

He did not close Gitmo, did not get us out of Afghanistan and we are still engaged in Libya even though it was only going to last a few weeks.

The Mexican gun running deal is still playing out and so is Solyndra.

And don't forget Obamacrap will be in the Supreme Court next spring. I doubt it will survive intact.

Unemployment won't be below 9%, housing will continue to be soft as will the stock market. Even DC is now saying we might be in for a double dip recession. Congress has not written a budget for next year and probably won't but will continue with short term patches. Even his own party is hoping he will do like LBJ and refuse to run next year but his ego (and Michelle) won't let him quit.
Hilary was toast. Because Bill was still up to his old tricks. I won't be surprised if, hilary isn't put on the ticket as VP.
I don't keep up with politics like I used to, and even when I did it wasn't like some of you do now.

With that being said, it is often said that the country should be run like a business and I find that most people agree with that. Isn't it funny though, that most successful business people that run for pres. fail? They would probably be great for the country, but they don't know how to talk out of both sides of their mouth like the "real politicians". I think it's sad myself.