Last Night's Debate

Hilary was toast. Because Bill was still up to his old tricks. I won't be surprised if, hilary isn't put on the ticket as VP.

Hillary is not that stupid. Obama is going to have a hard time talking someone into being his VP.
Hillary is burned out on politics. Surprised she has stayed this long.

Bill may want her to run, but I believe she would buck him on that.
At first I thought you were talking about the debate I had last night with my girlfriend about them killing that man in Jackson Ga for killing that cop over 20 years ago.

My debate was much better that watching that crap on tv.
I think Romney is in the best spot for a couple of reasons. He knows that everyone is trying to take down Perry, so all he needs is a few well-timed comments, and let everyone else spew the crazy to take Perry down while he sits back and capitalizes. By doing so, he also LOOKS the most presidential when on stage (Ron Paul's biggest flaw, by the way). Lastly, he's been involved in the private equity world, which is way more dog-eat-dog than politics.

But he can get the independents, because he is more centrist by nature. Socially, he's fairly moderate/liberal, which lines up with 60% of the country, but fiscally he's conservative, which lines up with 60% of the country as well. He can win the independents over, especially with the Obama record during his first term. And he can push his business experience as a huge selling point, talking about wealth creation during his time in PE.

I fully believe he wins the nomination, as well as the presidency at this point, and he's holding back on the good stuff until he faces Obama. It will be dirty, but now Obama has to defend his record rather than pitching hope and change - after the markets and economy is tanking again.

It's going to be fun.
Ginrich is looking for the #2 spot. He has to many problems to be #1. he had a honey on the side. While he was beating up on Bill.
Gingrich won't take number 2. Even if he did he is a worse pick than Biden.

I can't remember a time when the nominee picked someone else to run as the veep.

Herman Cain would be a good cabinet pick. Newt is washed up and has way too much political baggage.
Once Hilary has a grandbaby, her political career will be over. Everyone in insurance and financial services knows it's all about the grandkids.

BTW, Newt and Romney on a ticket would actually be pretty hard to beat. I can't see another combination that (at this point) could do the job.