Lead Financing

recipe for rotten eggs, if your broke going in, then money management isn't your strong suit.

I agree no one should go into debt for leads. Was just adding to what Josh said about credit cards...should have included :D for humor effect!


I think there's some truth to that, but some of them were probably broke and in credit trouble before the lead financing etc... The business didn't put them there, they did, the business just kept them there

This is so true.
recipe for rotten eggs, if your broke going in, then money management isn't your strong suit.

Absolutely true. If you're broke and looking for a new place to be broke this is a good one. If you want to stop lying to yourself about what a wonderful businessman that you are, get a job and pay for the leads at night stocking shelves and sell from 3- 7. Or go corporate where you can hide incompetence for years if you're likable.
Absolutely true. If you're broke and looking for a new place to be broke this is a good one. If you want to stop lying to yourself about what a wonderful businessman that you are, get a job and pay for the leads at night stocking shelves and sell from 3- 7. Or go corporate where you can hide incompetence for years if you're likable.

thumbs up for the corporate hiding comment