Thanks for sharing. If you had to estimate, how much premium were you writing on your own before you hired your first employee?
I ask because it seems that as an agent builds his/her book of business that it gets to a point where servicing the policies takes up quite a bit of time and in order to generate enough new business someone has to be hired to service the policies. I know if varies by region but I saw you are in Virginia and was just curious as to how many policies or how much yearly premium before you got to that point....
I opened my agency from scratch in 2007 with me and two other licensed staff and everyone did sales and service so we really didn't have a designated CSR. I was personally selling about 17k-20k per month and my agency was doing about 35-40k per month. It was in 2009 that I decided to get organized and have defined roles for sales, CSR, and telemarketing. At that point my book was about $1.5 mill.
Had I not opened from day one with staff i seriously doubt that I would have been able to build a medium size agency (4.3 mill) in just 5 years. Granted, it took an investment and I wasn't able to pay myself for the first 2 years but the payoff has been great. Hope this helps