Lincoln Heritage Premium


1000 Post Club
Does anybody know the rate of a LH whole life Male Tobac level age 65 and 66 with an a/d rider?
Yes. Why is that important to you?

What kind of answer is that? The OP asked a legitimate question and if you knew the answer why didn't you answer with a legitimate reply? If you don't have something to add to the forum...well I will leave it at that.
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65 male smoker: $7.31
66 male smoker: $7.68
A.D.&D: $1.00 per unit (5,000)

Who can compete with these prices? :goofy:
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What kind of answer is that? The OP asked a legitimate question and if you knew the answer why didn't you answer with a legitimate reply? If you don't have something to add to the forum...well I will leave it at that.
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Who can compete with these prices? :goofy:

Who can't compete with them is the better question.
65 male smoker: $7.31
66 male smoker: $7.68
A.D.&D: $1.00 per unit (5,000)

Sorry JHand319, I thought you were stating the rates/month.

Who can't compete with them is the better question.

I went to the dentist and had a broken tooth pulled today and was/still am under the influence of a really good feeling drug. I really thought JHand was stating the rates per month and somewhere in my doped up mind I thought the rates were for $10K. I know, crazy but that's what happens when my brain is fried on lortab. :D
I thought LH was supposed to be outrageously high.. If that translates to $73.10 per month for 10K at 65, there are only 6 companies that are cheaper. Of the companies most often mentioned on the forum, it Foresters is closest and they are 0.05 higher. :skeptical: