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Does it matter? Persistency is a percentage. If I have 100% retention writing 4 or 400 cases a month it doesn't mean anything.
Secondly, I haven't lost a client since 2019. Don gets his panties in a wad because I don't go kill myself to write as much business as possible. I'm also selective in the people I work with.
Because I'm not desperate. That's a choice. I don't write everyone and see what sticks.
You can call that a Piker, Don.. but I'm not the one bitching about call centers, AHIP, or losing clients...
You have JefF with hundreds, if not thousands of agents writing telling you that persistency is the same, regardless of in person vs telesales when you do the job correctly.
Bob can tell you he doesn't lose clients that often except natural attrition due to death.
I'm telling you I write a handful of Duals and I haven't lost any in years.
You may not agree, but considering I've done f2f AND telesales that F2F does not create nearly the hardship you think it does.
First, I agree that telesales does not inherently mean you'll have lower persistency.
That said, when agents are considering advice from other agents on this forum, how much business the advising agent writes absolutely matters.
I'd never take advice from a life agent who issues 30k per year. Even if that agent had a 98% retention rate, I still wouldn't listen to them because their production is worthless.
However, if a life agent was issuing 200k per year, I'd listen to them all day even if their retention rate was 80%.
It's much harder to keep 500 people on the books compared to 50.
You've stated that you only do this business part-time. So to put your advice in the proper context, what are you issuing per month?