Look for the "Escape Hatch" W/SCOTUS

Didn't the supremes change the law by saying a penalty which was expressly said was not a tax, was indeed a tax and legal.

What they did was unconstitutional. They'll rule with Obastard on this one.


No, they basically said if it looked like a tax, taxed like a tax and had the pain of a tax, it is a tax, regardless of what was said publicly about it not being a tax. It was more important what the words were in the law rather than what people called it.

In fact, up till that point, it was both a tax and not a tax, depending on the convenience of the conversation.

Sheez, I gave a "thumbs up" to every poster on this page. You all are so intelligent, and insightful at how our govt runs.

However, until the fat lady sings I'm not going to put much time and effort into it. My crystal ball broke when SCOTUS ruled about Obamacare a couple of years ago. Who would have ever guessed that outcome? I'll wait for SCOTUS to sing out their verdict, and I'll panic/pivot at that time.
I sell Medicare plans because Medicare exists.

That's almost as lame as:

"I did not have sex with that woman."

I'll bet if health agents got 25% first-year commissions and 15% renewals on every Obamacare case they wrote that they's be singing a different tune about the PPACA.

I'm too young to remember Watergate but I've heard the saying "Follow the money."
That's almost as lame as:

"I did not have sex with that woman."

I'll bet if health agents got 25% first-year commissions and 15% renewals on every Obamacare case they wrote that they's be singing a different tune about the PPACA.

I'm too young to remember Watergate but I've heard the saying "Follow the money."

You're right. Because I'm opposed to Medicare I shouldn't sell supplements. I stopped selling IFP because there was no money to be made. I've opposed to Obamacrap because it's unconstitutional.

I'm opposed to seat belt laws because I believe in personal freedom but after getting a ticket I wear them out of fear of the government taking my freedom (money) away. I wear a helmet riding a motorcycle because of the law in CA.

I have an insurance license although I'm opposed to the government putting their stamp on what people do. Same with barbers and other business.

I use a bank that sucked up taxpayer money getting bailed out for following what the government told them they must do.

I have a very low mortgage rate despite knowing the rates are manipulated by the government.

You want me to continue or is this over your head?

My beliefs don't keep me from earning a living and helping people. And I do resent a little snot nose who likely just graduated high school question my ethics.

Damn shame you can't vote for Obozo a 3rd time, isn't it?

I'll bet if health agents got 25% first-year commissions and 15% renewals on every Obamacare case they wrote that they's be singing a different tune about the PPACA.

You would lose the bet. Health Agents are bombarded with offers to sell horrible policies for high commissions. Actually, the higher the commission, the more you have to wonder if the policy is any good for the consumer. Throughout every day, professional agents show their clients how to lower the costs, by making the best choice among all available options. Customer care, and retention of the client for the long-term is the goal, not high commissions on questionable policies. This would remain true if commissions are cut-rate (as they are now), or a normal level.
Helping people? Sounds more like conning them.

It's hard to question something that someone does not seem to have.

So just what do you sell?

If saving people $800 a year by showing them that Plan N is better value than Plan F is conning them, then I'm guilty.

And clearly a (Sam would ban me for posting what I'd would like to) like you isn't worth a sweat off my (you know, what you don't have).

We've had internet cowboys that post without having the guts to let us know their actual names. You're just another in a long line of (another word for cats).

You would lose the bet. Health Agents are bombarded with offers to sell horrible policies for high commissions.

I know that is the case with some life and annuity products, but all heath plans have a level 'standard' since ACA.

Maybe you are talking about what I'm told are mini-medical plans? Or are you talking about supplements like that company with the flying water foul sells? Can you give me an example of what you are talking about, please?


And clearly a (Sam would ban me for posting what I'd would like to) like you isn't worth a sweat off my (you know, what you don't have).

You're just another in a long line of (another word for cats).


Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

-Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230
I know that is the case with some life and annuity products, but all heath plans have a level 'standard' since ACA.

Maybe you are talking about what I'm told are mini-medical plans? Or are you talking about supplements like that company with the flying water foul sells? Can you give me an example of what you are talking about, please?

No, health plans don't have a level "standard" since ACA. Some carriers are paying 0%, some 1%, some 4% first year and 2% thereafter, some 5% to 7%, etc. Some carriers pay PMPM, too, or a flat amount per app.

ACA certainly caused commission cuts. But when the premium doubles and the commission rate is halved, it still comes out to the same dollar amount of earnings to the agent. Unfortunately, the commission rates were halved once, and then halved again. But professional agents didn't change their ethics over it. They just changed their business model to adapt so they could meet the client's needs and still earn money. They also didn't change their opinions about PPACA. Many of us are making a truckload of money, even though we disagree with fundamentals of the new system. We just sell the best options among those options that are legally on the table, and we still keep our ethics for the client's welfare. We can make money in this system, and/or the next system, and the one after that...

About those horrible plans with high commissions, yes, I'm talking about things like mini-meds and limited benefit, certain poorly designed accident-only plans, and more. However, before PPACA, most professional agents didn't sell them and aren't selling them now. We railed against them pre-PPACA, and the higher commission didn't tempt us. So, that negates the theory that a higher commission would make an agent sing the praises of a product (or the law that created the product). If PPACA-compliant plans suddenly paid us 25% commission, we would still consider this a bad law, yet sell whatever product was clearly the highest quality choice for each client's particular needs.
I know that is the case with some life and annuity products, but all heath plans have a level 'standard' since ACA.

Maybe you are talking about what I'm told are mini-medical plans? Or are you talking about supplements like that company with the flying water foul sells? Can you give me an example of what you are talking about, please?

1. ALL health plans in ALL states have a level "standard" since ACA. On what planet? I sell in Texas and here's some 1/1 examples of ACA compliant plan commissions:
BCBSTX: 6% years 1-3, 4% after (no end date)
Scott and White: 9% years 1-3
UHC: A complete range of crap based on what plan and how many policies sold
Community Co-Op: $15 PMPM
Assurant: 6% as of 1/1, 0% after 2/1

Need me to keep going?

2. Mini meds have all but been eliminated since the passage of ACA and no, that's not what the poster was referring to

3. "Supplements" are NOT health insurance. Assuming you are discussing AFLAC, Colonial Life, etc. Not Medicare Supplements. Those of us with any experience in the industry know that "supplemental" and "supplements" have two entirely different meanings.

You obviously have ZERO knowledge and experience in the health insurance market. I'm sure you are fabulous at selling whole life as the answer to everyone's problem, from college funding to retirement, but please stop talking about ACA. r agents. Or commissions. You don't have a clue. And its agents like you that we (the ones who have spent the last 4 years learning an incredible complex piece of legislation to make sure our clients were taken care of) that we have to clean up after. Makes me nutty. But my financial planners love people like you when their clients hit my office. Because after I make you look like an ***, they get new clients.