Just pass it. You can read it later. Where have I heard this before?
Some Republicans will come up with some plan to gut Obamacare that the Obama administration could never accept. The Obama administration will ask Republicans to simply fix the law, which they'll never do. The two sides will blame each other just as always happens, and their attached partisans will think their side has the better of the argument, just as always happens. We have seen this movie before.
In the end, some red states will end up building their own exchanges, just as some red states have accepted the Medicaid expansion. Some red states will hold out, at least for a few more years. America will develop a two-tier health-care system, in which blue states that participate in Obamacare are subsidized by red states that don't.
One thing is for sure...if Boehner can't hold his caucus together enough to pass Homeland Security funding, this Congress will be as ineffectual as the last 2. I don't care what Hatch and Alexander come up with. It won't get through.
What a mess.
Just for the record, Boehner passed homeland security funding. El Presidente said he would veto it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't passed.
Same will happen with healthcare fixes. The President will cry if he doesn't get his way, which is his right to do. Eventually, hopefully, the whole mess gets scrapped for something more efficient, but that is just me thinking out loud as a taxpayer.