Looking for All FE Companies.

Why I am here is to get assistance from others in offering a new product to potential customers.
I currently am appointed with Assurant and Anthem for health care and ING for life insurance.
All 3 are good companies so not much to critique there.
I know very little about the FE market and that is why I asked for company names.
I am not looking for 1 person to give me ALL of the companies but numerous people to list some of them.
Believe me, when I gain more knowledge about the industry and the products I will be more than happy to contribute to this forum. I am not one for confrontation nor negative comments. I simply was surprised by jdeasy and his comments since I have been reading them for months now and considered him to be very helpful.
So, any company name drops would be greatly appreciated. If a link is not readily available to someone I have no problems searching google for it.
Thanks for the help to anyone willing to give it.
For the record, I have a hard time paying a company for leads and also sharing a larger percentage of the commissions. This is not to say I will never join a company like EFES. I have read the pros and cons in other threads and considered them at first but felt like I should stay with my own leads and marketing processes.
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OK, how about the good ones that pay fair commissions with decent renewals.

ING? is that your only life carrier? Brotha you are killing yourself in the life ins business- If you like waiting 4 weeks for the results of a paramed exam only to get a decline-

You got a lot to learn my friend