Looking for Some Thoughts on Senior and Life Insurance

Jessica Durphy

100+ Post Club
Hello everyone, it's been a while! I have been doing exceptionally well in the Senior market and Life insurance.... but I seem to be having a bit of difficulty figuring out a good lead in to make some phone calls!

I attended a Senior Expo here in Pa... which went awesome! At my booth, I had a drawing for a $30.00 gas card, in which I got well over 100 names and phone numbers. I was also able to set 3 appointments right on the spot for Med supps as well... anyway, my question for your thoughts are:

They gave me their phone numbers, is it "unlawful" to call them and thank them for stopping by my booth, and a reminder that if they ever have any questions or would like to go through a LOCAL agent that doesn't deal with just 1 company... yada yada... ??

If it's not, do you guys have maybe a better lead in than what I just mentioned? I tried it on one lady, and she was a bit disappointed, she thought she was the winner! :( Try backing out of that one! I felt terrible, and figured I probably needed to change something. Any suggestions?
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

It's not unlawful if they left you their numbers, but I don't know how to field that question about the lead-in for the phone call. It's tricky to even call and say, "Hi this is so-and-so from that booth.." because right away they'll think you're calling to tell them they won.
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

I'd just be honest...

Hi Mr. Jones this is Jessica; I met you at the Senior Expo (or whatever jargon they'd recognize).

Don't pause there looking for acceptance, just continue...

I was calling because... I wanna sell you insurance. ;)

I was calling in regards to your medicare coverage... you are on Medicare right?

I was calling to follow up from our conversation that day... (if you can recall something specific). You had a question about...

You had left me your number to get in touch with you about... your Medicare options, your life insurance options...

Just some thoughts and brainstorm...
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

I'd just be honest...

Hi Mr. Jones this is Jessica; I met you at the Senior Expo (or whatever jargon they'd recognize).

Don't pause there looking for acceptance, just continue...

I was calling because... I wanna sell you insurance. ;)

I was calling in regards to your medicare coverage... you are on Medicare right?

I was calling to follow up from our conversation that day... (if you can recall something specific). You had a question about...

You had left me your number to get in touch with you about... your Medicare options, your life insurance options...

Just some thoughts and brainstorm...

Thank you, I think, with my personality, definitely NOT the first one! :) but I really like the other thoughts!! Thanks for sharing! I'll try each of them, until I find the right one that works.

Thanks again!
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

Thank you, I think, with my personality, definitely NOT the first one! :) but I really like the other thoughts!! Thanks for sharing! I'll try each of them, until I find the right one that works.

Thanks again!

Yeah, the first one was a joke of course. People ask me what I do in casual settings and I always answer the same way...

"I sell insurance. Why? You wanna buy some?!?"
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

$30 GAS CARD? Hell no Mrs. Smith that was the booby prize. I'm calling to save you $30 every month for the rest of your life.
Re: Looking for Some Thoughts:

I knew I'd be ok if I didn't discuss MA~ my quirk was... How do I speak to these people without getting their hopes up about winning this $30.00 gas card they drew for and then finding out... "ohhhh, she's just calling to solicit me!!!".... hence ending a conversation with a "not so happy" potential client!!
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$30 GAS CARD? Hell no Mrs. Smith that was the booby prize. I'm calling to save you $30 every month for the rest of your life.

That was funny!!! :)
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