Madison National - Offer Me a Contract


Don't need any upline support, just have a case with $2k+ premium to write and looking for best possible comp. PM me with the comp you can provide if you are able to offer contracts for MN.
Don't need any upline support, just have a case with $2k+ premium to write and looking for best possible comp. PM me with the comp you can provide if you are able to offer contracts for MN.

You really couldn't find a better company than Madison National? :err:
The client had a pacemaker put in just over two years ago. That seems to require a graded benefit with everyone except MN and United Home Life, at least for companies that I can sell over the phone. If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears.

Client is 69 years old, type 2 diabetic with oral meds only diagnosed about 8 years ago. Height/weight is good, non-smoker, takes Rx for BP/cholesterol. Pacemaker surgery in May 2011, no blood thinner Rx required. Had cataract surgery in March/April 2013, but I don't think that will be an issue. The cataracts were not in any way related to the diabetes and there is no glaucoma or other eye issues.
Unless Madison has changed their app since I was appointed with them, Part 2 asks about heart surgery in the past 24 months. That would make it graded.

I'm not sure about UHL because I don't have that app handy.
MN is $50/mo less than UHL Deluxe for the same $25k WL. If anyone knows of a better option that will allow with the pacemaker within the past 36 months (but over 24 months ago), please let me know. Most of the apps seem to have the pacemaker as a knockout question for level benefits if it's within the past 36 months or 5 years.
MN is $50/mo less than UHL Deluxe for the same $25k WL. If anyone knows of a better option that will allow with the pacemaker within the past 36 months (but over 24 months ago), please let me know. Most of the apps seem to have the pacemaker as a knockout question for level benefits if it's within the past 36 months or 5 years.

You are right on the boarder for 24 mos.... Any meds to treat the surgery in June and July will put you in under 24 mos and still be graded. Even with Madison national.

Am Con is another option.... Same issue though
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MN is $50/mo less than UHL Deluxe for the same $25k WL. If anyone knows of a better option that will allow with the pacemaker within the past 36 months (but over 24 months ago), please let me know. Most of the apps seem to have the pacemaker as a knockout question for level benefits if it's within the past 36 months or 5 years.

Okay, sorry I read that wrong. However, unless Madison has changed things, they only go up to 20K on graded. That would be $214.20 per month.

5 Star would be $217.42 per month for 25K.

I'm quoting a male.