Manhattan Life CUL Dental Plan

I undeerstand they are not a charity. I am not trying to devise a plan to "make money" from insurance like you used to be able to do.

I am talkiling about a situation in which I would pay premiums to two companies for services and am wanting to know if there is any coordination of benefits? To my mind, the discount plan would always apply first, because that determines what the discount plan holder pays the dentist.

So my question becomes, If one also holds a CUL insurance plan, would CUL coordinate with the discount plan, taking their discount from the dentist's full price; or would CUL ignore the discount plan and look only at the out of pocket cash payment as the starting point for their computation?
I didnt meant to imply that you were LD, I know your are just doing your homework, and Im sure some of the forum members appreciate your thoroughness. Im afraid I dont know the answer you seek to your original question. :)
LD.. look at it this way... If you have a discount plan and then CUL pays on the discounted amount, then you will get more services before hitting your annual maximum on the CUL plan.
Figured out the issue with the online contract. You have to have a non-res in Texas. I already had that so I just added it to the application and it worked.
Figured out the issue with the online contract. You have to have a non-res in Texas. I already had that so I just added it to the application and it worked.
I saw you had to have a Texas NR... I wonder why? I have never had a company of any kind require I have a license in any state but TN to sell products that are approved in TN.
I saw you had to have a Texas NR... I wonder why? I have never had a company of any kind require I have a license in any state but TN to sell products that are approved in TN.

They expalined why at this point, but I forgot why
If you are talking about the Bright Idea plan, would it relate in some way to the association requirement for plan purchasers?