Marketing DI to Federal Employees

Postal employees are federal employees they are covered under CSRS and FERS depending on when hired, have similar FEGLI benefits...difference is the postal service pays 100% for the basic benefit which is essentially 1 years pay plus 2K and if under age 45 there is a multiplier added on from 1-2x.

Peter, I'm really not disagreeing with you, because you are much more knowledagable than I. However, as a former federal auditor I do know that USPS dropped off the government entity roles in 1971 and at that point, we no longer provided their financial audits. The USPS is actually a semi-private corporation supported entirely by the sale of stamps etc., so I assumed they were not federal employees. No tax money has gone to the USPS since 1971. I knew the postal employees participate in the retirement system, my only point was I didn't know how much. My health insurance always cost more for my share than postal workers had to pay so I assumed they had a better deal.
Peter, I'm really not disagreeing with you, because you are much more knowledagable than I. However, as a former federal auditor I do know that USPS dropped off the government entity roles in 1971 and at that point, we no longer provided their financial audits. The USPS is actually a semi-private corporation supported entirely by the sale of stamps etc., so I assumed they were not federal employees. No tax money has gone to the USPS since 1971. I knew the postal employees participate in the retirement system, my only point was I didn't know how much. My health insurance always cost more for my share than postal workers had to pay so I assumed they had a better deal.

Lyn, you are correct technically the Postal Service is a semi-private corporation but the employees have the full gammit of Government benefits...CSRS/FERS Pension, FEGLI, Thrift Savings etc....Most Federal employees on FEGLI pay 2/3s the cost of the basic benefit Postal Employees have basic benefit entirely paid for.