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- #21
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Um ... no. I was referring to marketing ... trying to guesstimate when most folks go into Medicare. You have to have both parts to be insured by Medicare ... yes, you can have part A in effect as of age 65 while you are on an employer group plan ... you wouldn't want to be paying for part B while covered under one ... although, we have seen that happen to people who didn't know better ...Caveat, not an agent.
You and I have different definitions of going into Medicare.
I went into Medicare at age 65 when I enrolled in Medicare Part A. I deferred my Part B enrollment because I learned I could do so without financial penalties.
To me, the far more important question for a Health Insurance Agent is "How do I get clients and prospects to talk with me about Medicare Health Insurance in the months immediately preceding their T65 birthday?"
And the agent should understand that Medicare Dates and Social Security Dates are separate things that should be understood separately before one attempts to conflate them.
From reading here, and elsewhere, I believe that one common problem among Medicare Beneficiaries is believing they can wait until Social Security FRA to deal with Medicare issues. Not true -- anymore.
And one of your posts above suggests to me you are on the edge of falling into that trap yourself.
The statistic(s) you are asking about are not important. What is important is getting your prospects and clients accurate information about their health insurance options and avoidance of lifetime insurance penalties as they hit their T65 year.