Medicare Supplements going independent suggestions

Why do you want to leave?


Have you always been in a situation where you were given leads or have you ever generated your own?

Generated own with ma. Don't like so much now due to cut care and Dr choice now. Own leads and given with p&c. Used to be social worker at skilled nursing facility and I like doing med supps. Want residuals and moral very low there now. Not sure if company will survive another two years. I really like to challenge myself and the chase of sales.
Have TT p&c agencies to send me leads ,looking into avatar leads, mailers and researching which states I want to get licensed with. In FL only now. I have p & c connections as I am licensed in that as well. Good responses. Also researching FL FMO/IMO.

If you are in FL, you will need more than just medsupps to survive if you are selling in FL. Most of this state is MA country.

Where are you located in the state? I may be able to help
Avatar leads are illegal so drop that idea. Plus they don't work for Medicare. Mailers can work but I've found the return to be low.

FMO's are easy. I like Todd King who responded in this thread already. I suggest a quick phone call to him might shorten the learning curve as to which states to add.


Ok about avatar. That is one thing they use. When I brought up illegal they said no the person asks to be transferred. I also am putting together my own marketing add. I have not told them I'm leaving yet. Won't until set to fly. Getting ducks in row now.
I will call you . Phone number?


If you are in FL, you will need more than just medsupps to survive if you are selling in FL. Most of this state is MA country.

Where are you located in the state? I may be able to help

Valrico by tampa
Ok about avatar. That is one thing they use. When I brought up illegal they said no the person asks to be transferred. I also am putting together my own marketing add. I have not told them I'm leaving yet. Won't until set to fly. Getting ducks in row now.
I will call you . Phone number?

Send me your phone via email.. insure(at)grenskyins(dot)com.
