Microsoft IE Launches "do Not Track" Tool

I made the mistake of downloading IE9...what a crap....Microsoft is acting weired, since it cannot compete with Google and Apple. It throws the weired stuff, just because it wanted to do something new.

I'm already researching how can I go back to IE7
Microsoft Adds Do-Not-Track Tool to Browser -

firefox says it will soon do the same. will this affect traffic data, such as finding out which search terms or links potential customers used to find your site?

I don't think that it will affect SEO unless it affects personalization of search.

I think this only affects behavior driven ads.

Here is how behavior driven advertising works:

You click on an Adwords ad. You visit Then at some later point in time you visit The second site displays adsense advertisements.

This second site,, need not have any content related to car parts.

You might see an adsense ad on the second site based on the cookie that Google put in your browser when you clicked on the ad for

You might see an ad for on a site unrelated to car parts if you have visited other car parts websites in the past even if you haven't visited

Google is not the only company that sells behavior driven advertising, by the way.
I d/l'd IE9 today. I uninstalled it 27 minutes later as MoO would not run properly on it.

I hate IE. Wish it wasn't a necessary evil for some carriers.