Monumental Direct Mail Drop

This is because most companies are not "true final exepsne companies". They have a FE product but don't know how to market to seniors? Why? Because its about 4 or 5 mail houses in the US. All companies except Lincoln Heritage uses these mail houses. The reason your response is so poor is because that area has been bombed by other companies using the same lead piece you're using. Besides that, the company has NO LOYALTY to you. You do a drop in that zip, they'll be dropping in there for Jim, John and David the next day.

At Lincoln Heritage we avoid this problem by doing exclusive lead drops with a researched and developed lead pieces & our own vendor. Yes, we've spent 12 years researching and tweaking our leads. I NEVER get less than a 1% return on my leads. NEVER EVER. Its always 1-1.5 some times 2 % depending on the area. You'll get many 2% returns in the inner cities but want to avoid those places. That drop probably cost you 375 per thousand which in turn you spent 700$. You spent 77$ per lead. This is another reason so many guys think they need a 110 to survive.

I looked at LH... First there is no such thing as an exclusive lead... I have been in the lead generation business to support my mortgage bank.... They are all getting slammed with mail all the time. I have the same national database list everyone else has and is updated every week...Nothing is exclusive!:no: only thing "exclusive" are LH premiums...
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This is because most companies are not "true final exepsne companies". They have a FE product but don't know how to market to seniors? Why? Because its about 4 or 5 mail houses in the US. All companies except Lincoln Heritage uses these mail houses. The reason your response is so poor is because that area has been bombed by other companies using the same lead piece you're using. Besides that, the company has NO LOYALTY to you. You do a drop in that zip, they'll be dropping in there for Jim, John and David the next day.

At Lincoln Heritage we avoid this problem by doing exclusive lead drops with a researched and developed lead pieces & our own vendor. Yes, we've spent 12 years researching and tweaking our leads. I NEVER get less than a 1% return on my leads. NEVER EVER. Its always 1-1.5 some times 2 % depending on the area. You'll get many 2% returns in the inner cities but want to avoid those places. That drop probably cost you 375 per thousand which in turn you spent 700$. You spent 77$ per lead. This is another reason so many guys think they need a 110 to survive.

DUDE, the Paul Group down in S Florida offers agents a 50 to 55% commission...WHO CAN SURVIVE IN THIS INDUSTRY OFF OF THAT?? What kind of KROOKS would do that to a NEW agent that is STRUGGLING to get by??? Seriously, isn't that TAKING ADVANTAGE???

ANY insurer that allows that type of commission to come from an agency that is direct to them should be held accountable for criminal behavior....

This is why I believe Lincoln Heritage to be a CRIMINAL run organization... You guys don't even give the new agent a chance... and then when he fails, you act like it's his own fault for not working hard enough...

and then when he can't pay you back you finish off his career by reporting him and making sure that noone else will take him....
DUDE, the Paul Group down in S Florida offers agents a 50 to 55% commission...WHO CAN SURVIVE IN THIS INDUSTRY OFF OF THAT?? What kind of KROOKS would do that to a NEW agent that is STRUGGLING to get by??? Seriously, isn't that TAKING ADVANTAGE???

ANY insurer that allows that type of commission to come from an agency that is direct to them should be held accountable for criminal behavior....

This is why I believe Lincoln Heritage to be a CRIMINAL run organization... You guys don't even give the new agent a chance... and then when he fails, you act like it's his own fault for not working hard enough...

and then when he can't pay you back you finish off his career by reporting him and making sure that noone else will take him....

That does seem like a Racket!!!
On a more positive note, I did receive 1 more lead off of my original 2000 piece Monumental drop from 6 weeks ago bringing the grand total of leads to 12... .6%
Anyone remember when they first started it. It was a $400 buy in for 15 guaranteed leads and as long as you wrote only, I think it was , $1000 average they kept giving you additional leads for "FREE" at an 80% commission level and no more lead payment. They used the traditional $255 mailer from Main Street. Ahh those were the days. They started this new program after and it went downhill from there.
Anyone remember when they first started it. It was a $400 buy in for 15 guaranteed leads and as long as you wrote only, I think it was , $1000 average they kept giving you additional leads for "FREE" at an 80% commission level and no more lead payment. They used the traditional $255 mailer from Main Street. Ahh those were the days. They started this new program after and it went downhill from there.

I remember that. You actually got 15% less then whatever Monumental conteact you had without the lead progrAM. It was a sweet deal. If you were at a 110% tou got the lead program at 95% but you still got the 110% level's renewals. The renewals were really good back then with Monumental also.

It's gone the way of the do-doo bird.
Ok so, I just want to keep this thread updated... From my first 2000 piece drop with Monumental, I did get back .6% which in the area I work is about Half the norm that I get back from other vendors...

They dropped another 2000 pieces almost 3 weeks ago and I have yet to see one of those leads...

I know there are a couple of other guys on here that just started dropping through Monumental and i'm wondering how you guys are doing, return-wise!