Ok, time for an update on all of my direct mail return experiences...
I have mailed out 9000 pieces with Monumental and have received a total of 93 leads.... 1.03%
2000 pieces with Leadstosuccess and received 11 leads.... 0.55%
3000 with targetleads and received 17 leads.... 0.56%
8854 pieces with Chris at leadconnections and received 133 leads.... 1.50% return
With ALL companies I asked them to mail out their BEST/Highest return FE lead
All companies told me I should get between a 1.2-2.0% return
I mailed all companies in the same area with the same demographics and only one came back with what they actually said to expect... Chris at leadconnection
Shame on the other companies for either not sending out the right amount of mail or for using OLD DATA... interesting how a few of my targetleads came back with people that sent the lead in from a forwarded address... old data... not cool
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OHH, and I didn't count any lead that came back with NOTHING written on it...
I sent 2000 with Monumental .8%
2000 Jenmarco 1.2%
3500 with Lead connections and so far I am at 1.5% plus they send me the hard copy as well unlike the two I mentioned above. The customer service and no bullshit way of doing business is great at the Lead Connection.