Monumental DM Program..

A few points about the Monumental mailer that I thought I had already commented on:

Bad Points:
1. "Free Service"
2. "may qualify for help"
3. "a final expense insurance program that may pay 100%"
4. "potential 100% payment of expenses"

Good Points:
1. In small font it mentions "Whole Life Insurance

In my opinion, a 1.5% return is worthless if the prospect thinks they may be applying for something for free. Why not mention in small letters if they wish that this is a solicitation for insurance? I understand that this will reduce the return rate. I have done one drop and am awaiting another. I will post my results after the second drop.

For those of you that have used this mailer how have your results been? I do not care so much about % of sales but more so with regard to phone appointments that have stuck and door knocks that have led to presentations.
