More big carrier news coming

Yea that’s not how this works.
Hey, just responding to a post where a real, live, in the wild, senior market insurance agent says a health insurance carrier rep told him (agent) that the health insurance company's health insurance products were being over used.

"over-used" Sounds like we made something shiny to pick up some government bucks. Then all we have to do is make sure people who own the shiny thing can't use it if their usage costs us very much money out of our own pockets.
Hey, just responding to a post where a real, live, in the wild, senior market insurance agent says a health insurance carrier rep told him (agent) that the health insurance company's health insurance products were being over used.

"over-used" Sounds like we made something shiny to pick up some government bucks. Then all we have to do is make sure people who own the shiny thing can't use it if their usage costs us very much money out of our own pockets.

I’m also a real, live senior market insurance agent. Your understanding of the situation is wrong.