I made it clear I was not Knocking Mr. Duford personally. Obviously he's taken his FE vision, implemented a plan and is now building a business. What's more Americana that that?
I appreciate those telling me I can make up my own mind.. What an epiphany.
Those thinking spending over 17K for training is wise - you're not alone.. he has 300 plus agents nationwide(his quote.)
Is 17K plus worth it for training? Simple question to those who have had direct experience Mr. Duford's training program. Nothing more or less.
So if someone says yes, are you going to do it? Or just keep dragging this useless conversation? No one is is paying him 17k, they're just possibly not making that 17k (IF thry writr enough business, most won't) just like Dave can train you and make nothing if you write no business.