Mutual of Omaha/United of Omaha

The problem with this Forum is guys like you who would rather make smart-ass comments than actually tackle the problem/issue. You sound just like a politician, no solutions to offer, just stupid comments. Don't be a jerk again and insult me and tell me what to do. You're not my boss! Besides that, in MO. you are getting 23%FYC on M and 24.5% FYC on N. I probably would not complain either.

The issue here is that Indiana has the 2nd lowest commission structure. That's a fact. All I'm interested in is hearing how other agents from Indiana feel about this. I like MofO and I would like to use them more often. Originally, we were told that FYC would be 20%. Well, that didn't happen. In the future, I will only use Mutual's Plan in situations when i need the guarantee-issue. For people who will qualify no matter what, but would prefer the lower premium, I do have one or two other companies that I can use with competitive rates.

Finally, if I do write a 1000 cases at 17% FYC vs MO's rates of 24.5%, with an average commission of $204.00 at 17 %, I would make $204,000. Sounds good, yea, but at 24.5%, the commission would be $294,000! So, guess what, even after a 1000 cases, you bet I'd still care! So would you!
Jeebus... sorry "Littel Lady"... didn't mean to get your feathers ruffled.

Take a douche to get the sand out of your vagina.

BTW... those comms you quoted are for "new to medicare" clients as I explained in my post... make it an internal or external replacement... and you cut that in less than half.
The problem with this Forum is guys like you who would rather make smart-ass comments than actually tackle the problem/issue. You sound just like a politician, no solutions to offer, just stupid comments. Don't be a jerk again and insult me and tell me what to do. You're not my boss! Besides that, in MO. you are getting 23%FYC on M and 24.5% FYC on N. I probably would not complain either.

The issue here is that Indiana has the 2nd lowest commission structure. That's a fact. All I'm interested in is hearing how other agents from Indiana feel about this. I like MofO and I would like to use them more often. Originally, we were told that FYC would be 20%. Well, that didn't happen. In the future, I will only use Mutual's Plan in situations when i need the guarantee-issue. For people who will qualify no matter what, but would prefer the lower premium, I do have one or two other companies that I can use with competitive rates.

Finally, if I do write a 1000 cases at 17% FYC vs MO's rates of 24.5%, with an average commission of $204.00 at 17 %, I would make $204,000. Sounds good, yea, but at 24.5%, the commission would be $294,000! So, guess what, even after a 1000 cases, you bet I'd still care! So would you!

Venting is ok, but no need to get bent out of shape by someone pointing out reality to you.

You've got two choices, suck it up and keep writing as someone pointed out. Or, stop writing med supps in Indiana. I'll let you figure out what that means.
Besides that, in MO. you are getting 23%FYC on M and 24.5% FYC on N. I probably would not complain either.

You better look a whole lot closer at the commission structure for all MOO companies. It also sounds like all you have is a street level contract.

I suggest that you learn all the facts before you put your "fingers in motion". It's usually better to let people think you don't know what you are talking about than to "put your fingers in motion" and remove all doubt.

The commissions you are quoting for MO are on NEW BUSINESS ONLY. This means that commission is only offered when selling a Med Supp to someone who has NEVER HAD A MED SUPP.

When writing Internal and External replacements, people who already have a Med Supp with any company, street level is10.5% and Plan N commissions are 12.5%.

There are around eleven other states where MOO's commissions are less than what you are receiving. If you want to bitch and get pissed off I suggest that you tell it to MOO. You are not going to find very much sympathy here especially with your attitude.

Either stop writing MOO, get licensed in other states or look for another "job". It is apparent that you don't consider selling insurance as anything but a way of making money.

Until you begin treating what you do as a business that you own, you are not going to experience very much success. Lighten up, turn all that negative energy into positive energy and use it to sell insurance.
Like I said, "trash talk", filthy language. Doesn't solve anything. And yes, I am talking about "new to Medicare" as I expect a lot of sales in that category.
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Boy you guys really are missing the big picture. First, I'm not venting, I'm the one pointing out reality. I don't need to 'suck it up". I do know the rules of the game. However, I would like to point out that Mutual originally planned to pay a 20% commission, but then pulled back. That concerns me. I will continue to write Supps in Indiana because the compensation is 'fair', it's just not the best.
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Actually, I do have have my facts in order. Aside from Missouri, the only other states that separates the commission structure is Arkansas. If you can find SEVEN, please point them out. Anyway, I really don't care. I'm the one who is pointing out facts. And another fact is that Mutual had originally planned to pay a 20% commission in Indiana for M & N and then pulled back. That upsets me.

Of course I have voiced my concerns to MofO. I will still use them because the comp. is 'fair', it's just not the best.
I've been in the insurance business for a very long time and I have been successful. But it's still a 'job'. And you don't stay with a 'job' unless you are making money. Selling insurance is a lot of things. However, the bottom line is, and always will be, about making money. If you're making it, you stay in, if you're not, you get out.
Spin it anyway you want to, PC it all you want, it still comes down to money, first and foremost. Anyone who thinks differently is just fooling themselves.
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I would like to point out that Mutual originally planned to pay a 20% commission, but then pulled back. That concerns me.

...another fact is that Mutual had originally planned to pay a 20% commission in Indiana for M & N and then pulled back. That upsets me.

In other words, you heard one thing and received another. You got all excited and started pre-selling. Maybe spent a few dollars advertising in anticipation of 20%. And then Mutual changed the rules in mid stream. In the middle of the game they changed the offer. That is not fair. It happened to you and it happened to me and countless other agents.

Another example of unfairness was the Affiliate Company Replacements exception for just two states (Connecticut & Missouri). In these two states agents keep 100% of their commissions with zero reduction. Why is Connecticut & Missouri any different from the other 48 states? Of course if you're on the 100% side of the fence you're happy.

Seems like reality to me. :1eek:
Indiana has a state specific rule regarding commissions. I would think agents in IN would be aware of this. Apparently not.

According to the rules and regs of the Indiana DOI, Med Supp companies in Indiana cannot pay out different commissions for either different plans or for different ages. In many states the commission is reduced for people 80 and above. Not in Indiana.

Mutual of Omana/United of Omaha filed rates for an increased commission on Plan N. They tried to give the agents more for selling a Plan N. The DOI in Indiana said NO and made them refile.

This is applicable to all companies selling Med Supps in Indiana. This was not a decision that was made by MOO, it is a directive from the DOI.

Knowledge is a wonderful tool, the lack of it can make one look like a fool.

I've got an OE med-supp app with MoO that they've had for 28 days. The underwriter is on vacation through July 5th.

Swamped with apps.....running that far behind and the underwriter is out for a week. :skeptical:

Lately, I've written more Lafayette Life FE plans. You have to write at least 3 supps to make the same commission on these life cases I've written. Get paid a lot faster too!

Come on MoO! You knew it was going to be piles of apps coming in...with plan N GI!!!! 28 days pending on an open-enrollment case? That's horrible.
I've got an OE med-supp app with MoO that they've had for 28 days. The underwriter is on vacation through July 5th.

Swamped with apps.....running that far behind and the underwriter is out for a week. :skeptical:

Lately, I've written more Lafayette Life FE plans. You have to write at least 3 supps to make the same commission on these life cases I've written. Get paid a lot faster too!

Come on MoO! You knew it was going to be piles of apps coming in...with plan N GI!!!! 28 days pending on an open-enrollment case? That's horrible.

Same here...
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