My First Foreign Travel Benefit Paid...

My favorite foreign travel benefit claim happened back in May 2000. One of my clients (Plan F) was vacationing in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. While playing in the surf, a large wave caught him and slammed him into the ocean floor. He broke is neck and drowned. He was pulled from the surf by some bystanders. Luckily, an anesthesiologist on vacation, and, her husband were walking close by. She performed CPR and brought him back to life. A retired US physician, age 80 +, had a small health clinic close by that catered to the 3 large resorts on the beach. He cared for my client for 14 hours while arrangements were made to evac my client, by air, to San Antonio Texas. The bill for 14 hours of care by the physician and his nurse was $2286.36. This physician coordinated a life flight evac to a hospital in San Antonio Texas. That flight was $23,308.78 which was paid in full by Medicare and Plan F. After arrival in San Antonio, my client was Tx'd to the Univ of Tx hospital were surgery was done. Several of the attending physicians did not accept Medicare assignment. No problem! Plan F paid!
My client was only responsible for the charges in Puerto Vallarta which ultimately was paid @ $250 deduct, 80%.
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