My! How Things Change!

whats HHD? How's the underwriting on med sups ? Is it accurate ? Do they have most carriers ?
HHD = Household Discount. Yes the UW's accurate. They have most of he carriers and are always adding new ones. If you want them to add a carrier, they will.

They respond to emails quickly, usually within 30 minutes...often in off hours. The few times I've pointed out a mistake (like the eapp button on one of the carriers went to the wrong place, it was fixed quickly).

The cost is a little more than double that of FexQuotes, but you get quotes on FE, Term, Med Supps, Dental and they're adding HIP. They also have a CRM and a calendar on top of the UW. Lots of value.
Made it three posts before being hijacked... Not bad.. :laugh:

Newby put in his note about being using pen and paper for quotes so I mentioned quotes .

Ok Rouse remember mid continent life in the late 1980's ? They had the first no cash value level to age 100 term like policy . 40 yrs later they copied with gul . Remember Jefferson National life ? They had a revolutionary term product paid up at age 65 . How it worked was decreasing term with dividends paid yearly to buy 1 year term ti keep it level . I bought $250k 34 years ago when I was 18 and first got in the business . To this day the dividend sch and the price I pay and the level ins the exact sch when I bought it .

My sister I sold one to is 12 years old than me so next year hers is paid up for life . Of course in the future they could pay less of a dividend and the 1 yr term it buys is less . This is what's weird . Protective life administers it for Jefferson life . But Jefferson was sold 2 times before . Protective has been doing this for about 15 yrs . Everything from asking for illustrations to claims done by protective life . Even if the policy gone tommorrow I got $250 k level term for 30 years for $32 a month .
Newby put in his note about being using pen and paper for quotes so I mentioned quotes .

Ok Rouse remember mid continent life in the late 1980's ? They had the first no cash value level to age 100 term like policy . 40 yrs later they copied with gul . Remember Jefferson National life ? They had a revolutionary term product paid up at age 65 . How it worked was decreasing term with dividends paid yearly to buy 1 year term ti keep it level . I bought $250k 34 years ago when I was 18 and first got in the business . To this day the dividend sch and the price I pay and the level ins the exact sch when I bought it .

My sister I sold one to is 12 years old than me so next year hers is paid up for life . Of course in the future they could pay less of a dividend and the 1 yr term it buys is less . This is what's weird . Protective life administers it for Jefferson life . But Jefferson was sold 2 times before . Protective has been doing this for about 15 yrs . Everything from asking for illustrations to claims done by protective life . Even if the policy gone tommorrow I got $250 k level term for 30 years for $32 a month .
All is cool Don.... State Mutual out of Rome GA had a whole life with a term rider built in similar to your Jefferson term. I bought one for my daughter with a 26K base and 25KDT.. Paid up additions were supposed to keep it level. Pretty confident in it as SM had met or exceeded projections eversi year snce they were founded. Well, thatr confidence was mispalced as now the DB is $37K.
Made it three posts before being hijacked... Not bad.. :laugh:
Actually, it wasn't hijacked. The thread's about how things have changed in the industry. Quoters, quoters with underwriting, eapps, GPS, etc. are all positive changes. Now you don't even need to carry a case. Everything you need is on a tablet. Technology.
All is cool Don.... State Mutual out of Rome GA had a whole life with a term rider built in similar to your Jefferson term. I bought one for my daughter with a 26K base and 25KDT.. Paid up additions were supposed to keep it level. Pretty confident in it as SM had met or exceeded projections eversi year snce they were founded. Well, thatr confidence was mispalced as now the DB is $37K.
The 1st Med Supp I sold as an Independent agent was with State Mutual.
Actually, it wasn't hijacked. The thread's about how things have changed in the industry. Quoters, quoters with underwriting, eapps, GPS, etc. are all positive changes. Now you don't even need to carry a case. Everything you need is on a tablet. Technology.
You are right but I still would like to see Newby's list of top FE cipanies for differnt situations.. And would like to see others make a simialr list.

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