- 17,129
Those type of lists were just me documenting things I was learning. Back in those days this forum was not kind to Final Expense Agents. It was mostly filled with traditional life agents (financial planners) and health agents. When I first found it I was very successful with Funeral Pre-need but I was just branching into Final Expense and Medicare. I was at the early learning stages of both of them.You are right but I still would like to see Newby's list of top FE cipanies for differnt situations.. And would like to see others make a simialr list.
I remember one of the first questions I had was why do hardly any of the companies have a calculator for their products to calculate rates on the Palm Pilot? The companies back then expected you to take a laptop into your appointments with you and booted up and do calculations on there is the only option other than pen and paper.
The responses that I got were basically letting me know that Final Expense or simplified issue products were for the low-life's of the industry. No self-respecting age would use them. And why would I want calculations on Palm Pilot? What am I trying to do turn the sale of life insurance into a commodity that people just make a snap decision on without much thought or a fully detailed plan?
It was a whole different forum in those early days. Once me and some of the others started making posts like that you obviously could take a logical approach to selling Final Expense and then an agent that would study the market would be a better agent than just anybody out there flinging policies the forum made a very rapid change to practically became a Final Expense forum. Whether you consider a good thing or a bad thing I think we pretty much ran just about everybody else off.
But this forum did become a Wealth of knowledge and a great place to network with great people. Plus a huge source of entertainment.
As far as offering of my favorite most useful companies today? I'm pretty rusty. I'm not out in the field running leads and haven't been for many years. No matter how much the guys running the agencies will try to convince you they're the experts of the industry, if you've been out of the field for more than a few years you are no longer at the top of your game as far as knowing which companies are the most useful for the field agent.
The actual agents in the field producing high numbers are going to be the experts of that. At my agency KSKJ is the runaway favorite. It gets the most apps and the most chatter from the agents. It's a fantastic company.
If I were going out I would start with KSKJ as my main. I would use Gerber as my GI. I would need a company for people that are too husky (don't call us fat). I'd look at one of the Aetna's or RNA for that. And I would probably make sure I had a company that had instant decision FE that goes down in the young ages. That would probably be AmAm. I would pretty much be ready for anything with those. But getting out and actually experiencing it, some of those could change.