My Kooky Theory

Sorry, but this is wishful thinking. There are way too many forces working to keep PPACA intact, or some subset of it. Just some thoughts to ponder.

1. Once a entitlement program is put into law, it never leaves, not matter how broken it is.
2. There are way too many powerful backers, not citizens, political people.
3. Transfer the responsibility to HHS to defuse the IRS issue.
4. With all due respect to the population, this issue is way to complicated for the average person to understand. When someone does not understand, how can they demand change?
5. Remember, it is still "free health insurance" to many people. No one has felt the pain yet. No one has seen their take home pay decreased, or received a bill for their "free" plan from the exchange.

I am sure there is more.

I think the tax bills that people see in 2015 will be what dramatically turns the tide. All too often the news media is reporting that it's a $95 fine for not having coverage, and the 1% of income that the fine REALLY is, will cause shock.