My personal experience with Aflac

Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

LOL i have been with AFLAC for over 5 years thank you very much!!
as for my lack of vernacular skills SORRY I R NOT ENGLISH MAJOR lol..

so 2fast maybe you should pick up a dictionary some time.. 100 years ago the word "today" was in fact 2 words to day, 30 years ago the word "anit" anit a word and you anit sopose to ues it , but now it is in the dictionary, next we have wrods like internet, webpage, ect theat 20 years ago did not even exist.

Fact the amercian english we ues changes very 3 years, so all depends on when you went to school as to the english you use..

Again no one here has siad what company they work for i have, what are you affrad of? and if all you can do is beat me up over my spelling skills then you have way to mush time on your hands,, LOL

thanks for comeing now here is a copy of the home game...
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

The L in LGILMORE must stand for loser..with the type of commets you have made. The only reason i'm here is a frined of mine siad I need to check this forum and all the bad Bullspit being said about AFLAC.

So here I am to put to shame all the people who take it upon them selfs to bad mouth AFLAC... with that said please point out my bad skill please

oh and all of you english PHD's have not even made any commit about how "uber" i am.... so any more "uber's" in da house??
Re: Working for Aflac?

I met a career AFLAC agent who was angry because the company doesn't protect the agent.

If a new HR manager comes into your account, he can bring his own AFLAC agent.:no:

The "writing agent" must see his/her accounts on a timely basis.
If an AFALC account has not been seen or contacted by the "writing agent" in 12 months or more then yes it will be given to an agent that will go and "service" the account.
And living in the Tampa, Fl area (see how many posters beat me up over not useing Tampabay) I can tell you this, that your accounts can not be taken from you, unless you stop writing, do not service the account, or quit working for AFLAC.
Re: Working for Aflac?

The "writing agent" must see his/her accounts on a timely basis.
If an AFALC account has not been seen or contacted by the "writing agent" in 12 months or more then yes it will be given to an agent that will go and "service" the account.
And living in the Tampa, Fl area (see how many posters beat me up over not useing Tampabay) I can tell you this, that your accounts can not be taken from you, unless you stop writing, do not service the account, or quit working for AFLAC.

I know nothing of AFLAIC...but Hodaka 1974, let's talk Combat-Wombat, Road-Toad and Mud-Dud! Classics...just classics!
Re: Working for Aflac?

Interesting point, but I would phrase it as "all captive companies use some sort of system to weed out the non-hackers".

I was weeded out of a well-known investment firm after almost three years. That is how they obtain new clients for the bigger hitters, get rid of you and xfer them to one of the senior reps. Their idea of market for us was cold-calling for mutual fund sales from the phone book.

No biggie, I did not give up and started over. I have been independent for almost a decade, sell as little or as much of each of my health carriers as I choose for client fit, and not to be immodest, make a very comfortable living by California standards.

I agree to a point, my problem is that you phrased the original in such a way to as to indicate that failure to succeed under a captive contract makes one a loser or unable to hack it or "run their own business"

With that thought I must disagree. That IS the Amway answer for everyone that does not exclude their family, "dream stealers" and others to succeed at that. It is possible (and I for one am a great example) that the captive fit is all wrong but not the drive, ambition and desire of the person. I have suceeded in spite of being captive.

DAVE020, thank you for your post. AFLAC is a non-captive company.
As for me not only do i write for the duck, I write for Hardford, ING, Allianz. I have my series 7 & 66 and ofc my 215 L&H in the state of Florida.

AFLAC has open doors in the 5-15 employee type of companies for me. As most of these small companies can not offer Major Medical to their
employees do to the cost, so here is were AFLAC can make an agent real nice money.

This type of work we do (commission sales) is the toughist 50k a year job you can have, but it is the easiest 100k ++ job you will every have..
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

Actually the only questionable thing I've said about AFLAC is in my 20 years out selling, I NEVER see the same agent twice. Could you explain that?

The rest is mostly making fun of you and your lack of math and spelling skills. Do you proof your posts? It would help.

And I am sure that calling me a "loser" is going to leave a mark. A scar that will never heal and I will cry myslef into my pillow tonight. By the way, how much money do you make again? ;)

Either reduce the intake of coffee or read your post back aloud. There is a difference between does and dose and pre and per.

And while I'm sure you're proud of your company, think how impressed your boss or the CEO of AFLAC would be reading your words. I may be a loser, but I'm not embarassing AFLAC with my poor application of words.

Everytime you write, AFLAC takes two steps back to anyone considering joining up. Are you sure you want to continue? You've done more harm to AFLAC with your posts than I have... but by all means.. keep it up.
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

Well buy 1 or more AFLAC products and then you will see the same agent for the next 20 years.
LOL yes i'm sure you will lose countless hours of sleep getting over me calling you a loser lol.

So LGLIMORE what company do you represent?
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

"what company do you represent?"

Quite a few as I learned awhile back, I don't like to support sales managers.

Just read your postings back aloud before you post or at least use your edit button. I apologize for being mean about it, I really shouldn't have. It forces you to pretend that you were mispelling on purpose. I don't have time to have a wee wee match with anybody these days... so I do apologize for making fun of you.
Re: New York Life or AFLAC ?

Well I would listen to LGilmore. As he did, I too worked for New York Life. I learned a TON about the industry from them. The problem with them is like most companies. It is a revolving door. Yes they have a name and a reputation BUT their products are almost ALWAYS more expensive then what an independent agent could get them. MOST people are shoppers and want the lowest rate therefore NYL is NOT the go-to place for the client in that regard. The client USUALLY doesn't care if the company has been around 164 years or has insured the likes of Babe Ruth or Sam Walton (Wal-Mart). People want CHEAP things. People want a 30 year term w/ money back in the end which NYL can't do. Their best is an overpriced 20 year term w/ NO $ back after the term is up. All in all NYL was a GREAT place to learn the business BUT it too had its negatives. GOOD LUCK!